WoW Lich King Classic expands face options

WoW Lich King Classic expands face options

WoW Lich King Classic returns to the PCs of gamers with an exciting surprise. Characters are now more special in the renewed face of the legendary MMORPG.

WoW Lich King Classicis getting ready to bring one of the most loved add-on packs of the legendary MMORPG to the Classic series. Wrath of the Lich King has become one of the cornerstones of the game world with both the antagonist King Arthas and the Icecrown Citadel part with never seen mechanics. As Lich King’s inclusion in the Classic universe approaches, details about the add-on continue to emerge.

WoW Lich King Classic combines technology with classic

One of these details was revealed by Holly Longdale, executive producer of World of Warcraft Classic. Longdale gave the good news that the barber shop will also unite with gamers in the add-on package.

As those who have watched and played the series for a long time will know, World of Warcraft has always been a pioneer when it comes to character customization. Both the avatar creation screen before the game started and the cosmetic updates in the game were a feature that almost every WoW player used and loved.

Of course, all these cosmetics were made with the technology of the 2000s. By the 2020s, character updates are taken to the next level with the development of 3D programs and the more effective operation of graphics cards.

It is known that the World of Warcraft series went on a more inclusive line with the Shadowlands add-on. Wow Lich King Classic is preparing to introduce a much more advanced barber shop to the players, as well as incorporating a fan favorite into the game.
