Loot greed in WoW Classic resulted in a duel to the death. A dramatic spectacle in which a character met his permanent end.
A few days ago the realms of “WoW Classic Hardcore” started. There, fans can relive the original World of Warcraft, but with a hard twist: each character only has one life. If you die, you stay dead – forever.
This leads to the fact that what are actually small quarrels become dramatic moments in which a character’s life is decided. And probably the best reason is, how could it be otherwise in WoW, the loot.
WoW Classic: The hardcore servers are here!
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Hunter has Need on cloth item
what happened In WoW Classic Hardcore, dungeons are particularly dangerous. Numerous elite opponents are waiting in the dungeon and thus many opportunities to die particularly quickly. Those who venture into the instances hope for good loot that makes the risk worthwhile. So did the magician Mcwiggles, who is happy in the end because the coveted “Belt of Arugal” dropped. This is a cloth belt that gives a large bonus to Intellect and smaller bonuses to Spirit and Agility.
Basically a very good item for cloth classes, but especially in WoW Classic other classes like to roll all items. Hunters in particular are notorious for this – after all, everything is a “hunter item” because hunters can use almost anything, whether it gives them a big bonus or not.
It comes as it has to come: It’s not Mcwiggles who wins the belt, but the hunter Butterbenefit. And that was the trigger for a duel of life and death.
Crowds gather outside the capital to watch the duel
What is this duel? In WoW Classic Hardcore, players can challenge others to a “Mak’gora”. This is basically a normal duel, but does not end with one life point. Instead, the fight goes on until a player dies and the character is considered lost.
The loot dispute escalated to such an extent that both were ready for this deadly duel and wanted to meet at the gates of Orgrimmar.
Word of this “loot drama” got around relatively quickly, so more players gathered and wanted to witness the duel.
Like a real Mak’gora, the two were blessed by others beforehand – so there were plenty of buffs for the mage, but also for the hunter and their pet.
How did the duel go? Even if the magician Mcwiggles had demanded the duel, the fight was relatively clear. After Mcwiggles first turned the hunter’s pet into a sheep and then immediately freed it again, it wasn’t long before Butterworth triumphed. He just made too good use of the line of sight of Orgrimmar’s city gates and was able to claim victory for himself.
The moral of the story? Even after 20 years, hunters are still mean ninja looters, but once they have something, they don’t give it up anymore.