At 12:00 a.m. German time, the new expansion Dragonflight for World of Warcraft was released. Just a few hours later, the first players were already level 70. We reveal who got the World First and what method was used to do so.
Which player was level 70 first? The first player at level 70 was the Korean Adelio. It took him and his group of friends just 2 hours and 25 minutes to reach the new max level.
This success was confirmed by the Method guild, which held a race to the max level on Twitch.
how did he do that? Together with four other players, he formed a group consisting of a demon hunter, a hunter and three druids. With the release of Dragonflight, they began to hand in some quests that they had already completed. With that, they got the first 15% to the next level before a ship even showed up.
Then the group was lucky overall, because after only 7 minutes they were able to take a ship to the Dragon Islands. Other players waited forever or later got stuck in the loading screen to the new areas. However, everything went smoothly for Adelio and his group.
There were various methods of getting to the max level, but the Koreans simply focused on completing quests quickly and turning them in. That secured them the title. You can watch the entire run here:
The first western player took 20 minutes longer
Who was the first western player to 70? That was the player Chaoswithinx. He reached level 70 at 2:48 am, taking about 20 minutes longer than Adelio. However, the strategy was a bit different here, because he decided against a group with other players.
If you want to level up quickly yourself, you will find some tips here: Dragonflight: Level Guide – Quickly to level 70 with our 5 tips.
What was the biggest challenge at World First? The technology, because there were a few hurdles. On many servers, no ships appeared in the new areas, which is why portals were opened later. For some, however, the path through the portals led to a long loading screen.
The player Gingi, for example, is said to have reached the max level in less than two hours of play, but was stuck in a loading screen for ages. As a result, he only reached level 70 at a later time.
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In addition, there were disconnects, problems with the authenticator and sudden teleports back to the old areas when you had just reached the Dragon Islands. You can read more about the launch and current events in our live ticker:
WoW Dragonflight in the release ticker: everything about start time, server problems and queues
How was your experience with the launch of Dragonflight? And what level have you reached so far? Feel free to write it in the comments.