WoW Dragonflight: release date, content, tier-list… All you need to know

WoW Dragonflight release date content tier list All you need to

The most famous MMORPG of all time enters a new era with the arrival of its new expansion Dragonflight. We take stock of this new release just below.

[Mis à jour le 7 novembre 2022 à 17h25] Long entered into the legend of the MMORPG genre, World of Warcraft continues its great adventure more than 18 years after its release. Blizzard’s massively multiplayer RPG opens a new chapter in its history with the arrival of Dragonflight, its ninth expansion that will take us to a new continent. Another challenge for Blizzard, which sees its MMORPG deserted by a community of players angry at the lack of new content, and which remains far from the 13 million active players of its golden age. But a new expansion is always the best way to attract players, whether new or veteran, Horde or Alliance.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight will be made available on November 29, 2022. A highly anticipated release by MMORPG fans who will be happy to meet their guildmates during the long winter evenings. Of course, this release will only be on PC, the exclusive platform of World of Warcraft. The formula does not change, the extension is paid for, offered in three versions that can be found at €49.99 for the Standard version (the basic game, a Drakks pet and the Drackthyr Evoker race & class), 69, €99 for the Heroic version (a level 60 token, a mount, a Murkastrasza pet) and €89.99 for the Epic version (cosmetic effects, a tiara, and a month’s subscription).

After the events that marked the Shadowlands expansion, the fall of Sylvanas Windrunner and Zovaal, our heroes are called to the Dragon Islands, a lost kingdom filled with magic and hidden treasures. There they will encounter the Dracthyr evockers, an all-new race and class of dragon-blooded humanoids who can join the ranks of the Horde and Alliance. Players will therefore be able to discover a new zone, a new race and a unique class, new dungeons and a brand new “Vault of the Incarnates” raid in this next expansion, and will see their maximum level increased from 60 to 70. But that’s not all, the talents have also been revised with the arrival of two different trees, a useful techniques tree and a specialization tree.

As at the beginning of each extension of World of Warcraft, here comes the time of the famous tier-lists. Indeed, everyone is trying to find out if their favorite class is viable, strong or simply unplayable. However, we are lucky to already have some information thanks to the pre-patch of the game recently implemented on the game’s servers. This allows us to forge a fairly reliable tier-list of the best DPS in PvE, according to their usefulness for the group or simply their ability to DPS on Mythic+ content and on raids.

Best DPS:

  • S: Windwalker Monk, Affliction Warlock, Enhancement Shaman
  • HAS : Arms Warrior, Frost Death Knight, Fire Mage, Retribution Paladin, and Beast Mastery Hunter
  • B: Demon Hunter Havoc, Rogue Outlaw, Arcane Mage, Balance Druid, Unholy Death Knight, Fury Warrior, Destruction Warlock, Feral Druid
  • VS : Frost Mage, Assassination Rogue, Elemental Shaman, Survival Hunter
  • D: Demonology Warlock, Subtlety Rogue, Shadow Priest, Precision Hunter, Evoker Devastation
