World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has received its first raid: The Vault of the Incarnates. MeinMMO introduces you to the best classes in the DPS ranking.
Update from December 22, 2022: We have updated the DPS ranking. You can find an assessment of the raid here: The first raid in WoW Dragonflight puts a strain on our healers, but I’m having more fun than I’ve had in a long time
With the start of Season 1 in WoW Dragonflight on December 14th, 8 mythical dungeons have appeared as Mythic+ and the first raid. As a novelty, all three difficulties can be played normally, heroically and mythically in the raid. Only the raid browser is coming later.
The new raid has been live for a week now and some of the players have received their first set bonuses and have been able to open their first big treasury for strong loot. In addition, Blizzard itself has turned the balance again and missed 7 classes of strong buffs.
MeinMMO therefore takes a look at the shifts after the first week and provides you with the latest figures. For those who want to watch the pros: the World First Race is still on Raszageth is still alive on mythical.
By the way: Blizzard has already announced how Dragonflight will continue. In 2023 there are a whopping 6 content patches with 2 new raids and other features.
You can find all information about Dragonflight in our special. If you want to spoil yourself a little, here is the cinematic after the fight against the final boss:
WoW shows new cinematic: This is how the fight against Raszageth ends
Dragonflight DPS Ranking: The best classes in Vault of Incarnations
For our list we refer to data from warcraftlogs. We’re looking at normal and heroic modes with a percentile of 75 across all bosses (as of December 22, 2022, via and
Annotation: Normally we would only evaluate the heroic numbers. However, too few guilds worldwide have already killed all bosses in heroic mode to provide reliable values. That’s why we’re giving you an overview of the normal and heroic versions. We will update the list later.
Keep in mind that a lot will change in the coming weeks. Few players have been able to loot their sets or get the best trinkets. The loot distribution is still very unequal. Traditionally, mages with better gear become stronger than most classes.
Vault of Incarnations (regular)
Vault of Incarnations (Heroic)
With Dragonflight, the damage numbers have increased again properly. Where the peak in Shadowlands was around 24,000 in mythical mode, the best DPS classes already have almost double that in normal mode.
We expect this to pick up quite a bit once players can complete their sets and crafters can craft the best gear. If you still need to equip yourself, you can find help here:
WoW Dragonflight: Level 70 – Now what? Here you can now get epic gear
The winners: Despite their nerfs, villains are still way ahead at the moment, but this will probably shift somewhat soon. Because some of the numbers still include the old patch status. The buff for mages has already helped.
In general, melee fighters have the upper hand at the moment, which is partly due to the fact that many bosses in the dungeon require movement. Only ranged fighters that can at least partially cast spells or deal damage in some way can keep up here – like demonology sorcerers, elemental shamans and the new class of summoners.
Do you want to try Rufer? In the Rufer Guide we show you builds for DPS and healers. Gameplay can be found in the video:
3 minutes of gameplay for Rufer, the new class in WoW Dragonflight
The losers: Despite the buff, mages are still further behind than they are used to from Shadowlands. Mages generally struggle at the beginning with the lack of important secondary values such as speed or critical hit rating. Towards the end, however, they always catch up and form the front.
Beast Mastery and Survival Hunters are also struggling at the moment. Similar to mages, they can recover, although in the dungeon, combat may simply not work in their favor. In particular, frequent target switching can hinder Beast Mastery hunters, as it takes pets a while to attack new targets. The Beastmasters have been the best hunter spec in Shadowlands for most of the time.
Note that even after a long time, some specializations are rarely played. Survival Hunters, for example, only have 1,650 runs in normal mode and only 170 in heroic mode, so the numbers here are a little less meaningful.
Shortly after the release of Vault of Incarnations, Blizzard is already working on the next patch 10.0.5. Balance changes here will surely shift the DPS ranking yet again. We’ll keep you up to date. If you still need help: A pineapple can teach you how to master the raid:
A pineapple game should help you not to fail in the 1st raid of WoW Dragonflight
In general, the raid is about as difficult as Nathria Castle in Shadowlands, sometimes even harder, but especially for healers. Bosses like the spider Sennarth require a whole new level of play with positioning and will certainly take a lot of practice before all classes can reach their full potential.
The fight against the final boss Raszsageth, on the other hand, is a real firework of effects. The primeval dragon lady should be a satisfying opponent for many players, because she is already doing better than the villain from Shadowlands:
WoW: Raszageth is already a better villain than the Jailer was in 2 years