In WoW Classic you can currently face a new raid: Gnomeregan. However, players on Reddit are arguing about the level of difficulty. Is the raid too easy or even too difficult?
Which raid is it about? The raid that is currently giving players headaches is Gnomeregan. This was originally a level 29 to 38 dungeon, which is becoming a raid in the currently ongoing second phase of the Season of Discovery.
Here are the key details of the raid:
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Why is the community discussing the raid? On reddit, user GamesGunsGadgets accuses many players of wanting Gnomeregan to be a mindless, free loot simulator. Many players would just want to run in and beat all the fights without even trying to understand the mechanics.
The post triggered a wave of over 1,100 comments and 765 upvotes. In fact, most posters don’t address the criticism that Gnomeregan is too heavy.
The discussion expands in user javilla’s comment: People literally want LFR. A raid that is very simple and where the raid group is available at any time of the day and every class is accepted. Redditor javilla accuses players who would like a nerf of saying that their problem is not in the dungeon, but in the organization.
HandsomeMartin, on the other hand, claims that WoW Classic was designed from the ground up for bad players. That’s part of the popularity. User MemeWindu has a similar opinion: Gnomer[egan] is super easy, but I find it funny that Classic players complain about complexity. I mean, bro, isn’t that why you left Retail WoW?
What’s the truth in the criticism? The majority of the comments in the post agree: Gnomeregan is already an easy raid. However, there appear to be some real problems. But, according to the community, they have hardly anything to do with the raid itself.
Among other things, it is probably simply difficult for some players to find raid groups. Others would supposedly primarily play meme builds, which of course doesn’t make serious raids any easier.
Further down in the thread, however, some commenters classify the raid itself again. reddit user rawrizardz writes: I raided Mythic. This one isn’t as hard as Heroic, but it’s not LFR easy either.
What is LFR?
LFR is a term for the raid browsers introduced in Shadowlands. These enabled players to take part in raid content quickly, easily and simply. All you had to do was register.
Sargatanas4, however, writes in his comment that he would classify Gnomeregan between LFR and normal. Redditors Jigagug and Sweaksh also agree.
All in all, Gnomeregan is probably an easier raid on average, but it does require a bit of brainpower. Of course you can wish it were even lighter. But loot also has to be earned.
WoW Classic also recently started the beta phase for the next Adon Cataclysm. You can read all about it and whether Cataclysm is really as bad as many people claim it to be here: Was Cataclysm really that bad back then? Find out for yourself and sign up for the Cata Classic beta