Blizzard is still working on class balance in WoW Dragonflight. In the next round almost all damage classes, some healers and even 2 tanks will be stronger. On the other hand, there is a small damper for outlaw villains who are currently “overperforming”.
These are the buffs: With the next patch, several specializations are to be buffed. Most of them are at the bottom of the World of Warcraft DPS list and get pretty big buffs accordingly:
For most classes, individual skills are buffed. The ferocity druid, however, gets a boost of +3% damage to all abilities. The Paladin even has a whopping +40% Crusader Strike buff.
The doomcaller is also strengthened. Here some of the summoner’s strongest AoE abilities get a buff with Fire Breath, Fire Blast, and Deep Breath. There are also reinforcements for other skills and talents. You can find all buffs in the official forum.
New classes are traditionally “too strong”, which was a major point of criticism, especially with the death knight for WotLK. That a new class needs such strong buffs is rare.
In our guide we tell you the best builds for Rufer and in the video you can see gameplay for the new class:
3 minutes of gameplay for Rufer, the new class in WoW Dragonflight
More buffs for tanks and healers, nerf for rogues
What else is changing? Some Vengeful Demon Hunter and Brewmaster Monk abilities now reduce damage taken by both classes more. For healers, Mistweaver Monks and Holy Priests receive a buff to their healing done.
Meanwhile, it’s the lawlessness villains who’re getting their fill. They are the absolute kings both in raids (heroic mode) and in mythical keystone dungeons (via warcraftlogs and bestkeystone, as of January 8th).
Here, the talent “Precise Stings” is nerfed so that the villains in smaller groups of enemies can no longer cause excessive damage. Also, some classes in PvP will be adjusted separately.
The balance adjustments are expected to roll out to European servers on Wednesday, January 11th. We’ll keep an eye on the changes and update our DPS list accordingly.
Incidentally, shortly before the adjustments, Blizzard had already brought some other buffs and nerfs via hotfix, but there directly for dungeons – including a fairly unnecessary nerf:
WoW still nerfs a new dungeon pretty hard, although it doesn’t need it at all