It could have been so good for RPLER in World of Warcraft. But a small detail makes a new feature in Patch 11.1 much worse than necessary.
The World of Warcraft RP community has shown itself quite frugally in recent years, but has been equipped with some nice options in the last extensions. The large tents have arrived into the RP and the weather machines have also become an important component at many RP events.
In patch 11.1 Lorenstehn, there are now a number of new items with which the characters can use numerous new “Emotes”. But Blizzard makes a drastic mistake – and limits the objects to a very small area.
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What are these for items? In Lorenhall there is the club “The Low Blow”. This is a place where fights are held and which reminds a little of the “Fight Club”. The special thing is that this is not a PvP location, but a location where the conflicts can be presented with special objects.
Via different items you can display life points about your character as red markings. Various “Guide” items have your characters accept special animations. So you can “stun” your character for about 15 minutes, “set dead” or “thrown to the ground”.
WoWhead’s colleagues have already tried this:
You can also have your characters accept different combat animations-for example for fist fight, weapon fight or magical fights. Otherwise, this is only possible if you can select an enemy goal and click it right.
The idea behind the objects: When role players carry fights, they are mostly shown via dice conflicts (similar to the pen & paper). However, there are only very limited opportunities to present this in the game with suitable animations. With all these “Guide” items, this is exactly what-narcotics, damage and defeat can be visually presented and enrich the role-playing game.
What is the problem of the items? Unfortunately, the objects are almost useless for the role-playing community, because they have a very drastic restriction: they can only be used within the “The Low Blow” area-that is, this combat club where you can also buy the items.
The objects cannot be used anywhere in the rest of the world. If you want to use the items in the RP, you must forced the conflicts in Lorenhall in the said club. This is a massive restriction and makes the items unattractive for most scenarios.
Why is there the restriction? That is not quite clear. One guess is that Blizzard does not want characters to be able to use different emotes all over the world, such as “anesthesia” or “dead sites”, because that could cause confusion in PvP situations in the open world.
However, there is still a little time until the release of patch 11.1. Perhaps Blizzard remembered that the restriction to the place may not be what role players want. Because even if Blizzard sometimes only builds special places for RP fans-they certainly didn’t want that.