Would you like to see or see a film again, but you don’t know the title? Use What is my movie, the Shazam of cinema! It makes it easy to find feature films using a few keywords such as the names of the actors. Convenient !

Would you like to see or see a film again

Would you like to see or see a film again, but you don’t know the title? Use What is my movie, the Shazam of cinema! It makes it easy to find feature films using a few keywords such as the names of the actors. Convenient !

VYou may have it on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t remember the title! This is a frustrating situation that unfortunately happens very often. You remember a scene or the story of a movie that marked you, but you no longer remember the title, the actors or the director. Suffice to say that it looks complicated to find it! Fortunately, on the Internet, every problem has its solution, and this one is called “What is my movie”! Here is how the platform is described, accessible for free from any web browser: “Use your own words, or search with titles, actors, directors, genres, etc. We find movies you can watch”. To find this film that has marked you so much, all you have to do is enter a few keywords in English – no need to be bilingual, a translator will do the job perfectly – making you think of the film in question in the search engine and ” What is my movie ” is responsible for offering you a selection of films corresponding to it – more or less. It’s the Shazam of cinema in a way! And it even works for cult quotes, as long as they’re in quotes. And remember: “With great power comes great responsibility“.

What is my movie: find a movie using a few keywords

The interface of “What is my movie” couldn’t be clearer and goes straight to the point. Once the keywords are entered in the corresponding field, the platform displays a series of films that can match it by displaying the title of the film, its poster, its year of release, its rating on Metacritic – if available – and its synopsis. If you can’t find your quest item listed, you can continue searching by clicking “More like this” above a title to direct the search to a similar style. Once the film is found, you click on it and the site tells you its genre, its director, the main cast as well as similar films. Note that you can orally dictate your request to the platform.


“What is my movie” was created by the Finnish company Valossa, based at the University of Oulu, and to date has more than 130,000 feature films – a good progression since its release, even if it is in very few – including some who are not all young. There are mainly Hollywood films, but some French, British and Indian films are also in the game. The result can be improved, but the platform is still interesting to use, especially since the results are refined day by day, in particular thanks to the indications of the users, who can specify whether or not they have found the right result thanks to the green (good match) or red (bad match) buttons. By entering “DiCaprio bear”, we managed to immediately find the Revenant. However, I can’t find the movie. Drive with Ryan Gosling despite our repeated efforts.

