Worrying development! Was 1, became 2: “There is a strong increase”

Worrying development Was 1 became 2 There is a strong

With the decrease in the number of cases in Ankara City Hospital, which is the locomotive in the fight against Kovid-19, the number of intensive care units decreased from 10 to 1. However, recently, there has been an increase in coronavirus cases in the world and in Turkey. In the locomotive hospital of the pandemic, the 24-bed Kovid-19 intensive care area, which was 1 at the beginning of June, increased to 2 with the increase in cases recently.


Ankara City Hospital Kovid-19 Intensive Care Specialist and Scientific Committee Member Prof. Dr. Sema Turan, stating that there is an increase in the number of patients hospitalized in the Kovid-19 intensive care area, said, “We have 24 patients in a Kovid-19 intensive care area. During the peak period, we reserved 10 of our areas for Kovid-19. We were able to take an attitude and shape according to the need. Very quickly. In this sense, we are a hospital that takes action. At the beginning of June, this area fell to 1. There is a stir now. We are taking action again. The number of patients is increasing with the increase in the number of cases in the wards. But on the one hand, those who complete the recovery process are discharged and that transformation is constantly ensured. There is a 35-40 percent increase in Kovid-19 services,” he said.


prof. Dr. Reminding that the number of cases decreased very seriously at the beginning of June, Turan said, “At that time, when the number of positive people decreased, the hospital and intensive care load associated with this decreased very seriously. However, there has been a severe increase, especially in the last weeks. It is increasing. The increasing number of cases, especially in polyclinics. The number of cases admitted and the rates of these applications being positive have increased considerably. This situation brings patients who need hospitalization, as well as those in need of intensive care. However, we can clearly say that during the heavy peaks of the pandemic, many intensive care areas in our own hospital, Kovid-19 intensive care area “At the beginning of June, we had 1 Kovid-19 intensive care area with the decrease in cases. But as of now, this area has doubled. There is an increase, but there is no serious reflection in the intensive care area at the moment,” he said.



prof. Dr. Turan stated that Ankara City Hospital is always ready for emergencies during the epidemic and said:

“Because we are a large hospital, we have reserved a large number of service areas and intensive care areas for Kovid-19. We were working with an occupancy rate of close to 100 percent in these areas during the peak periods. Later on, the number of cases decreased gradually and especially at the beginning of June. We continued to serve our patients who do not have Kovid-19, although we have seen that the effect of this has decreased. However, there has been a stir in the last 2-3 weeks. There is an increase in the number of Kovid-19. This increase was reflected in our hospital, but of course not as severe as the previous peaks. days will show us more clearly and more clearly the effects of this last holiday period.”


