Worm numbers for Macron: Gallup predicts an election victory for the French far-right | News in brief

Worm numbers for Macron Gallup predicts an election victory for

France’s far-right National Alliance leads Macron’s Renaissance party by more than 10 percent in the latest poll.

President of France Emmanuel Macron may have to regret the gamble he took after announcing early parliamentary elections after the European election defeat.

According to the recent IFOP poll, the far right Marine Le Pen and a young prime ministerial candidate Jordan Bardella The popularity of the National Alliance party currently hovers at 34 percent.

Second in the poll was the new left-wing electoral coalition New People’s Front, which was supported by 29 percent of respondents.

On the other hand, the Jäsnes coalition of Macron’s Renanssi party and other center-right parties won 22 percent of the respondents.

Thus, the far right leads Macron’s party by as much as 12 percent.

The Gallup poll commissioned by Le Figaro, Sud Radio and LCI media was carried out between 18 and 20 June. The first round of the parliamentary elections will take place on June 30.

The right and the left promise economic relief

The French parties have entered the election race, which started unexpectedly, with different promises.

Bardella of the National Coalition promised to lower the newly raised retirement age of 64 to 60 for French people who started working before they turned 20. In addition, Bardella has promised to attack loopholes in the law that allow companies to avoid tax.

The left, on the other hand, promises to use the tax euros obtained from the French economic growth to increase the state budget. The left would seek additional help to increase public consumption by raising the tax rate for the wealthy.

Macron’s coalition finance minister Bruno Le Maire described the economic ideas of both the right and the left as “crazy” and said that France is driving investment with a stable, frugal economic policy.

The elections arouse emotions in France: even the European football championships were given a political flavor when France’s star player Kylian Mbappé spoke at a press conference about an “extremist group at the gates of power” referring to the National Alliance.

Source: Reuters
