World Stroke Day: remembering that every minute counts

World Stroke Day remembering that every minute counts

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    On the occasion of World Stroke Day, this October 29, the French Neuro-Vascular Society (SFNV) is mobilizing through a new public awareness campaign. Objective ? Better know the gestures that save.

    In France, 140,000 new cases of cerebrovascular accidents are counted each year, ie one every 4 minutes. Faced with this impressive figure, the French neuro-vascular society is betting on prevention and on knowledge of the right reflexes in the event of signs of stroke. Indeed, if there are today effective treatments allowing to manage a CVA, the alert and the speed of intervention remain decisive in the chances of survival and functional recovery.

    What is a stroke?

    According to the SFNV definition, a stroke is “the consequence of impaired blood circulation to the brain. It occurs either when a blood vessel is blocked or by tearing of a blood vessel causing bleeding. The consequences can be dramatic with a defect in the supply of oxygen and glucose to brain cells, which can lead to their destruction, a source of neurological sequelae.

    The accident affects all ages of life, although the average age of onset of a stroke is 74 years (regardless of sex). The rate of young patients hospitalized for a stroke is growing every year with significant increases between 35 and 64 years of age. Finally, women are particularly vulnerable and have their own risk factors:

    • The association of the pill, smoking and migraine does not mix well;
    • Risk periods such as pregnancy, menopause and hormone replacement therapy;
    • Depression and psychosocial stress to which women are more exposed than men.

    The importance of acting quickly in the event of a stroke

    The AVC is not a fatality and is treated today, provided that it is taken in time points out the SFNV. For its president, Professor Igor Sibon, the notion of urgency is at the heart of the care and responses provided to victims:

    In the treatment of a stroke, blood flow must be restored as quickly as possible to limit the effects on the brain. Each minute saved means 2 million neurons saved and fewer weeks of rehabilitation for the patient who will be able to find his loved ones and his previous life more quickly”.

    You still need to know the most common signs to call 15 as soon as possible.

    Stroke: the signs to know

    Whether it’s you or someone you know, the most common symptoms of a stroke can be recognized as follows:

    • Paralysis, weakness or numbness of part or half of the body;
    • A deformation of the mouth, difficulty speaking;
    • Loss of vision in one eye;
    • Problems with balance, coordination or walking;
    • An unusual excruciating headache.

    If in doubt, contact 15.

    The patient will be taken care of by an organized and coordinated circuit with all the health professionals until his arrival in a neuro-vascular unit. These UVUs have reduced stroke-related mortality by 20%.

    Various actions are carried out in the regions by the SFNV. To discover them, click here!
