World of Warcraft is an MMORPG – but now a solo game. The survey shows clearly: group fans are the shockingly small minority.
World of Warcraft is one of the largest and most successful MMORPGs of all time. The game’s 20th birthday is currently being celebrated with lots of rewards, while at the same time expensive shop offers are causing a stir. In World of Warcraft, social bonds have always been an important part of the game – but is that still the case today? We wanted to know this in a survey a few days ago. Many of you took part and the surprising result is:
The vast majority of you play World of Warcraft primarily as a solo game.
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This is what you think about World of Warcraft
Over 1,000 of you took part in our survey. You have made this selection:
That adds up to a majority of 73% who play WoW mostly or completely alone – i.e. almost 3 out of 4 players.
A good 1 in 5 people are mixed and can get used to content that is intended for groups and solo players.
So together that’s just 8% who primarily act as a group. This means that fewer than one in 12 people experience World of Warcraft primarily as a group.
WoW – “Just” a solo game with optional group content?
Hardly anyone seemed to have expected that the result would be so clear. For some it is still a mystery how an MMORPG can generate so much interest among solo fans.
What is clear, however, is that Blizzard has recognized this trend for a long time and is following it. Just a while ago, the developers gave tips and tricks on how to never have to come into contact with other people.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that the group content is no longer served at all. There are still new dungeons, raids and other events that are primarily designed for groups. But Blizzard is adding more and more options for you to be able to do all of these activities on your own – for example through trailer dungeons or the story mode raid.
Would you have thought that the result would be so clear and that World of Warcraft would primarily be a solo experience for most people? World of Warcraft is often more than just a game.