World of Warcraft has announced new hero talents for the new expansion “The War Within”. We’ll tell you what that means.
The big features of the next WoW expansion “The War Within” were revealed at BlizzCon 2023. In addition to the story and the new areas, one feature in particular attracted attention: hero talents. Because they promise to make your characters a little more individual and thus take on particularly heroic roles.
WoW: The War Within – All the big features of the new expansion
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What are Hero Talents? You collect hero talents for a new talent tree that will be available in The War Within. Each specialization can choose from 2 different hero talent trees, a class always has 3 available, so there is overlap. Using the warrior as an example, this would be something like:
The only exceptions are Druids and Demon Hunters, as they have 4 or just 2 specializations.
These talents are intended to serve certain fantasies of well-known “extended classes”, such as those known from Warcraft Pen & Paper. This also includes skills such as those of a “Dark Ranger”.
How many hero talents are there? On your journey from level 71 to 80 you will receive a total of 10 talent points, one with each level up. Little by little you unlock all of the tree’s talents.
Although 11 talents were shown in the preview graphic, it would be possible for you to get the first talent “for free” by choosing the tree.
However, that doesn’t mean that every Dark Ranger hunter ultimately has the same talents. Because many talents are so-called “choice nodes” where you have to choose one of two variants – exactly as you already know from the previous talents.
What do hero talents do? In addition to new and improved abilities, the choice of hero talents should also adjust the appearance of the characters a little. For example, if a warrior is a Mountain Thane, some of their abilities have a bluish glow and therefore look different than abilities of other warriors. This is intended to create visual differences.
Is this “Borrowed Power” again? A question that immediately arose was: “Is this Borrowed Power again?” In other words, whether these hero talents are just a feature for the upcoming expansion and then disappear into obscurity again and you lose their power – like with the artifact weapons or the pact abilities. Blizzard has said that Hero Talents will be a new “evergreen” feature – meaning they will remain relevant even after the expansion and are an integral part of your character.
There will be more information in the coming hours and days, as the “Deep Dive” into the new game systems is still on the Saturday program at BlizzCon.
How do you like the idea of hero talents? A cool idea to customize characters even more? Or would you rather have seen new ranks in the old talent trees?