World Of Warcraft faction logic radically changes

World Of Warcraft faction logic radically changes

World Of Warcraft faction logic will change radically in later patches of the game, and Orcs and Humans will be able to play in the same dungeon or raid!

World Of Warcraft factions Alliance and Horde are preparing for radical changes that will break the game’s 18-year tradition. The change in question is in the second half of Shadowlands’ new content update, Eternity’s End, aka 9.2.5. The intermediate patch will be added to the game when it is released.

World of Warcraft Faction walls are breaking down

When faction change is added to the game, a Horde player will be able to participate in endgame activities, i.e. raid, dungeon, and RBG’ (Rated Battleground, PVP activity) together with his friend playing on the Alliance side. Also, Alliance and Horde players will be able to coexist in the open world if they keep War Mode turned off.

Following the announcement, World Of Warcraft Chief Director Ion Hazzikostas IGNHe gave an interview on the subject. Hazzikostas implied that they had been working on a system that would work between factions for some time already. Stating that this thought has been on their minds for months, Ion Hazzikostas used the following statements on the subject:

“We’re taking a look at the changes we previously said ‘no, impossible’ but requested by our player community. One of those requests was regarding faction logic.”

Hazzikostas stated that they had a hard time planning how to add this logic to the game. Because World Of Warcraft’s faction logic is based not only on technical but also ideological foundations, they decided it was time to let players loose on the issue rather than tearing down those walls completely (for now, at least).

Guild system will not change for now

A player playing on the Alliance side will not be able to go out for tea in the Horde’s home city of Orgrimmar, but they have decided that it is time to give freedom to the players of these two sides united in the face of every great threat. The changed World of Warcraft faction logic will still have some limitations.

Players playing in Horde and Alliance will be able to join the same group, talk on the chat screen, and exchange items. Players will be able to invite their friends who are friends on and playing in the opposing faction directly to raid or dungeon groups via BattleTag. In addition, players participating in in-game communities that have counterparts on both sides will also be able to invite each other.

In the Group Finder system, which is used to find a dungeon, raid or PVP group, both Alliance and Horde players will be able to apply to the same groups together. The guild system, on the other hand, will remain faction-based for now.
