World No Tobacco Day: five apps to (permanently) quit smoking

World No Tobacco Day five apps to permanently quit smoking

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    Have you decided to quit your last cigarette? It’s a big step, but that doesn’t mean quitting smoking will be a walk in the park. Something that has contributed to the emergence of many applications intended to support former smokers, as well as those who are trying to quit smoking, in their quest for a life without cigarettes. On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, May 31, here are five must-haves.

    Tobacco Info Service, the most official

    This is undoubtedly the application to know if you are thinking of quitting smoking, if only because it is the information and support service for smoking cessation in the hexagon. The application offers a wide range of advice, whether practical or intended to alleviate certain concerns, but also many tools for not taking up a cigarette again or, if there has been a relapse, for persisting in the smoking cessation. The little extra lies in the possibility of personalizing the application according to one’s own motivations, objectives, or even daily behavior, to benefit from tailor-made monitoring and discover all the benefits of smoking cessation.

    > To download it: android Or iOS.

    QuitNow, the most famous

    Personalization is also at the heart of the QuitNow application, which offers users the possibility of setting goals in a progressive way, with small victories that slowly but surely lead to complete cessation of tobacco. All complemented by a follow-up – also personalized – which not only gives access to a counter to know the time spent without tobacco, but also a count of the cigarettes not smoked, and the time and money saved thanks to to this smoking cessation. And as a bonus, it is possible to exchange with other users. Something to motivate those who wish to put an end to smoking and its harmful effects. Be careful however, if the application is free in its basic version, premium access is paid for.

    > To download it: android Or iOS.

    Kwit, the most playful

    Another possible application: Kwit, which again provides users with a host of tools and advice. Even before you quit your last cigarette, the program prepares you to quit smoking and then proves to be a great support to hold on and not crack. The goal is to free yourself once and for all from this addiction. It is also a question of visualizing in real time all the progress made over time, with a count of the money saved, cigarettes not smoked, or even the life expectancy gained. So many motivations that help to stop being tempted by cigarettes.

    > To download it: android Or iOS.

    Smoke Free, the most motivating

    Motivation is the spearhead of the Smoke Free application, which focuses on the benefits and advantages of quitting smoking, whether they concern health or the wallet, without forgetting to offer techniques and advice for quit smoking. Like its counterparts, the program highlights the money saved, the life expectancy gained, or the number of cigarettes avoided, but it also shows precisely the benefits of such withdrawal. Energy level, breathing, risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: all the meters gradually turn green to motivate users to never resume. All punctuated by rewards that allow you to display your progress with pride.

    > To download it: android Or iOS.

    Cig’Arrête, the most inclusive

    Advice, quotes, tools, and tricks also allow users to motivate themselves to quit smoking, learn to live without tobacco, and not to crack, with the added bonus of the possibility of setting goals and challenges to increase their chances. not to relapse. But it is undoubtedly the discussion groups and the possibility of exchanging with other users that allow Cig’Arrête to stand out, making the experience more interactive and more inclusive. And like many programs of this type, it is also possible to follow its progress and discover the many benefits generated by quitting smoking.

    > To download it: android Or iOS.
