World Metrology Day, Turrà (Apl Network): “Aerospace, automotive, ICT, the future employment of young people”

World Metrology Day Turra Apl Network Aerospace automotive ICT the

(Finance) – “The Sistemis project was created with the aim of promoting technological innovation, supporting innovative companies and start-ups by bringing many young people closer to the business world through specialization in strategic sectors such as aerospace, mechanics, automotive and ICT. We are launching the challenge from Campania for the companies of the future and for self-employment in sectors in which our region has proven to be a leader in training and structuring new ideas capable of relaunching image of our country at an international level “. These are the words of Maurizio Turrà, leader of the Sistemis project (Development and Innovation in the Driving Sectors of the Southern Economy of Industry and Services), during conference “The innovation of products and processes in the aeronautical and automotive sector and the enabling techniques of industry 4.0” which took place, as part of the World Metrology Day, at the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa. The project sees among the Partners the Polo of Excellence of Campania, Confindustria Caserta and the APL Network Employment Agency.

“Fall in love with your ideas – he continued Turrà – leads us to emphasize only a part of future scenarios and underestimate the true business risk. It is always necessary to balance innovation, speed and resourcefulness with careful development planning with a vision. Medium-term organizational, financial and strategic. This is the contribution that we intend to offer with Sistemis to all those who want to be protagonists of the economic restart in the name of innovation and new technologies “.

The commitment of the Campania Region in supporting the aerospace and automotive sectors was emphasized byCouncilor for Research, Innovation and Start up, Valeria Fascione. “Campania does not only export beauties and typical products. It is good – he said Fascione – remember that we export excellence from pharmacology, aerospace, automotive, and high-tech components. The best ideas for new products and new services often come from start-ups and from the local area which, when placed in the production circuits of large and medium-sized companies, accelerate competitive processes. For this reason, as a Region, we have invested important resources in these sectors with ad hoc programs such as Borgo 4.0 and today we present the Sistemis project promoted by Apl Network for the creation of paths for business acceleration and the creation of start-ups in the industrial supply chains. High-tech sectors represent 47 percent of our exports and we will continue to invest in the future of our young people. “

They also participated in the forum Luigi Carrino, president of DAC; Claudio Zottola, Telespazio; And Mariangela Lombardi of the Polytechnic of Turin.
