World Health Day: date, theme, what purpose?

World Health Day date theme what purpose

World Health Day is celebrated every April 7 in France and around the world. It marks the anniversary of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO). Date, theme, goals…

World Health Day (WHD) is an international day that takes place on April 7 in France, in the United States and all over the world. This date corresponds to theanniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO)born April 7, 1948. Every year on this Day, under the sponsorship of the WHO, as well as other related organizations, is based on a specific public health issue. In 2023, World Health Day focused on the way forward to achieve Health for all, which was the theme. The WHO estimates that 30% of the world’s population does not have access to essential health services. Why was a Health Day created? How to support her?

What is the date of Health Day 2024?

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7, 2024. It marks the 76th anniversary of WHO.

What is the theme of World Health Day?

In 2023, World Health Day focused on health for all and celebrated 75 years of improving public health.

What is the purpose of World Health Day?

In 1948, all the countries of the world came together and founded WHO with the aim of promoting health, keeping the world safe and serving the vulnerable, so that each of us can achieve the highest level of health and well-being. “The right to health is a fundamental human right. Everyone should have access to the health services they need when and where they need them without financial hardship“, insists the WHO. The JMS therefore makes it possible to encourage action to meet the health challenges of today and tomorrow. For that, WHO urges the leaders of each country to respect their commitments and to enforce everyone’s rights. But also to review the public health successes that have improved the quality of life over the past 7 decades. Note that World Health Day is part of of the 8 global campaigns carried out each year by the WHO (along with World Tuberculosis Day, World Immunization Week, World Malaria Day, World No Tobacco Day, World AIDS Day, World Blood Donor Day and World Hepatitis Day ).

What is the poster for World Health Day?

World Health Day Poster © WHO

What can you do to show your support?

Participate in an event. On the occasion of World Health Day, awareness-raising events are organized around the world, including in France, to better inform public opinion about morbidity, mortality and suffering in the world.

  • Cultural events: art competitions, plays
  • Sporting events: organized hikes, races…
  • Conferences, debates and participatory workshops to discuss access to care for all (calendar to come on the WHO website)

Use official hashtags #HealthForAll #SantépourTous and #WHO75 on its social networks to show its support and fight against inequalities in terms of health.

Getting closer to the WHO (see the volunteer form). To make health for all a reality, WHO needs:

  • individuals and communities who have access to quality health services so that they can take care of their own health and that of their families
  • skilled health workers providing quality people-centred care
  • policymakers ready to commit to investing in universal health coverage.


World Health Day 2023 – Health for All, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Health Organization of the Americas (WHO)

– Official website of the World Days
