World Cup 2022: Germany beaten by Japan!

World Cup 2022 Germany beaten by Japan

Contents of this Wednesday 9:10 p.m. UT: – The surprises follow one another, Germany beaten by Japan 1-2! How to explain this new disappointment of the quadruple world champion? – Morocco and Tunisia surprise, Saudi Arabia reverses, can the footballers of the Arab world create a surprise in Qatar?

Football and geopolitics!

Qatar and Saudi Arabia, World Cup against a backdrop of tumultuous relations!

The Gulf monarchy is a modest football nation, but a great regional power. His presence at the World Cup organized by his little neighbor is carefully scrutinized by the host country. Reportage.

The posters of this Thursday!

Cameroon and Brazil enter the track, presentations of two nations who dream of final victory!

To discuss it with Annie Gasnier, our journalists, consultants and guests of the day: Hugo Moissonnier, Elcio Ramalho, Mathieu Grégoire (L’Équipe) and Hafid Derradji (BeINsport commentator) – David Fintzel – Technical/Direction: Laurent Salerno – Video : Leo Bernard and Benjamin Avayou.
