World Cup 2022 Casillas and Kaká present the World Cup tour in Dubai

World Cup 2022 Casillas and Kaka present the World Cup

Former soccer players Iker Casillas and Kaká inaugurated this Thursday in Dubai the route of the FIFA World Cup tour, which will take them around the planet and will visit for the first time the 32 countries qualified for Qatar 2022.

“The trophy is one of the greatest symbols of sport,” FIFA Commercial Division Director Romy Gai said, according to a FIFA statement, adding that taking it on tour provides “an exceptional opportunity to put the spotlight on the wonderful social groups around the world who love the beautiful game”.

The Trophy Tour will end in Qatar where the World Cup will be held next November. “This highlights the commitment we have to football being truly global,” Gai said.

Iker Casillas rHe recalled that “lifting this trophy in 2010 as captain of the Spanish team was the culmination” of his career.

“I am excited to think that, at the end of this year, someone in Qatar will feel the same as I felt that time. It fills me with pride to be here today with all of you on the occasion of the start of this tour that will reach fans from all over the planet “, he pointed.

For its part, Kaka He stressed that it is “an incredible honor to participate in the first stop of the Trophy Tour”, given that he played his first World Cup at the age of 20, something that was “a dream come true”, he confessed.
