Workshops help seniors get ‘the last word’

Workshops help seniors get the last word

The Langford Conservancy is holding a series of workshops to help seniors ensure they “get the last word.”

The workshops will cover topics such as writing your own will, power of attorney and obituary, building your own coffin or urn and planning a funeral or celebration of life. The workshops are lead by local experts, including an author, lawyer, cemetery manager and carpenter.

The workshops are held at the Langford Schoolhouse, 1694 Colborne St. E.

To register for any of the workshops call Ella Haley at 226-802-2801 or by email at [email protected].

Write your own obituary is a two-part workshop, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm on April 3 and 10, led by Larry Brown. Register by April 2. Fee $20.

On April 11, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Ayesha Noorani, of Brant Legal Aid, will talk about writing your own will and power of attorney for health and property. Register by April 10. Free.

Carpenters Rodger Morgan and Jeff Grantham will lead the build your own coffin or urn workshops on April 30 from 9 am to 3 pm Pre-cut wood and materials will be available. Register by April 22. Call for pricing.

The plan your own funeral and celebration of life workshop is being led by Alex Moroz, of Hamilton Municipal Cemeteries, on May 7 from 1:30 pm. at 3:30 pm Register by May 4. Free

The conservancy is also holding birding walks with Bill Lamond, of the Hamilton Naturalists, on April 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 8 am to 9:30 am Participants are asked to meet at Hearts Content Organic Farm, 27 Ronald Rd., off of Jerseyville Road, and to bring binoculars, if possible.

A phone and computer help workshop, led by Timothy Tan, is being held March 31 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm Register by calling 647-460-9051 or contact Tan by email at [email protected] .

A mask is required for indoor workshops because some of the people participating may be immuno-compromised.

For more information about the upcoming workshops visit .
