Working from home has saved employees around the world 72 minutes every day

Working from home has saved employees around the world 72

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    The great organizational flexibility offered by telework has enabled many employees to limit their travel. This phenomenon saved them, on average, 72 minutes a day, according to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

    To arrive at this estimate, European and North American researchers relied on two surveys conducted among tens of thousands of workers from 27 countries. They have found that the generalization of teleworking has considerably modified their journeys during the health crisis, especially those between home and work. Thus, employees have saved about two hours of travel time per week by working from home, and no longer in the office.

    62 minutes won in France

    Nevertheless, the results vary from country to country. The Chinese are those who have saved the most time in their daily lives thanks to teleworking, with 102 minutes. This is almost twice the time saved by the Serbs (51 minutes) and by the Americans (55 minutes). The French have managed to gain 62 minutes by no longer going to their place of work during the health crisis.

    Only 11% devoted this saved time to their family

    But how did employees benefit from these saved minutes? By advancing their work. Indeed, 40% of respondents used this time saving to work more for their main employer or for an additional professional activity. A third of them took the opportunity to indulge in various leisure activities or to play sports, while 11% devoted this time to their family.

    48% of jobs in France lend themselves to telework

    Everything suggests that companies have a lot to gain from teleworking, even if some are still reluctant to implement it in the long term. Indeed, 48% of jobs in France lend themselves to this mode of organization, according to estimates by the Montaigne Institute. However, there are still significant sectoral differences in the use of teleworking. This is a real source of frustration for many French employees, and could even be “generator of a new cleavage between employees” in the future. In France but not only.
