Work, weighs the demographic crisis: how many fewer workers in twenty years?

Unemployed not looking for work a record breaking Italy

(Finance) – “In twenty years the pool of potential workers will suffer a sharp decrease, -6.8 million people, while the population not of working age (under 15 and over 64) will record robust growth, +3.8 million people “. This is what the research of the Di Vittorio-Cgil Foundation from which it clearly emerges that the demographic crisis will weigh heavily on the job market.

The demographic effect, the Foundation emphasizes, also affects the official employment rate that it already measures, and will increasingly measure only in part, the actual employment trend.

Immediately intervene “on working conditions, precariousness, wages and working hours” and change the immigration policies in and out, both numerically and from the point of view of people’s rights. “These are some of the interventions against the population decline and its repercussions on the labor market proposed by the Di Vittorio-Cgil Foundation. These must be accompanied by other interventions of a more structural nature.

“The drop in births (in 2021 it drops below 400 thousand) is linked, in addition to the demographic trend of the population, to many other factors including lack of reconciliation policies, scarcity of services and concrete interventions to support the birth rate, but its strong acceleration must also be analyzed with a different approach than the traditional one“emphasizes the report.

“The worsening of health, economic and social scenarios has always played a fundamental role in people’s choices, causing particularly negative birth rates. Elements of mistrust towards the future are accentuated, of which, as is well known, employment is a fundamental element . The interventions therefore must have characteristics of immediacy and structurality at the same time “.

“The undoubted Italian demographic crisis will have an impact on the quantity of the job offer and on the registry composition of the employed, with repercussions on productivity, assistance and social security. An Italy deprived of the energy of the younger generations will face a growth deficit in the medium and long term, nnot only because of the decline in the number of newborns but also because of the scarce capacity our country has shown so far to enhance immigrants and create the conditions for their integration and stable permanence.

For the president of the Foundation Fulvio Fammoni “It is also good to remember that on average every year about 100 thousand people emigrate from Italy to abroad, in search of a better salary but also to be able to carry out the work for which they were trained and which in Italy is rarely offered. it treats about one third of young people aged between 25 and 34 years old and with a high percentage of graduates or with higher qualifications. Moreover, the data of personal transfers, such as those of AIRE members, are strongly underestimated “.
