Work stoppage for flu: duration, how to obtain it?

Work stoppage for flu duration how to obtain it

Flu symptoms can prevent you from working. Can we have a work stoppage for a flu? How many days? Is it mandatory?

In case of flu-like symptoms, it often turns out difficult or impossible to work. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor to obtain a work stoppage stipulating to your employer that your state of health does not allow you to work. This stop is it mandatory in case of flu? How many days can we have? One week ? Info to know.

Can we have a work stoppage or not when we have the flu?

If you are working and you feel severe flu symptoms (high fever, fatigue, headache, body aches), your attending physician can estimate that a work stoppage or “sick leave” is necessary. It is therefore necessary to make an appointment to consult him and see with him this need for work stoppage. You must then inform the employer (by telephone, email, SMS, etc.). It is customary for this information to be given to the employer within 48 hours of the start of sick leave.

Is sick leave compulsory when you have the flu?

No, a work stoppage is not mandatory. Its implementation depends on your state of health. On the other hand, you must justify your sick leave by sending your employer sheet no. 3 of the medical certificate drawn up by your attending physician. specifying the dates and reasons for the work stoppage. You must send slips n°1 and n°2 to your Social Security organisation.

How many days of sick leave in case of flu?

On Opinion of the High Authority of Healththe Health Insurance recommends 5 days sick leave in case of flu. At the end of this “reference” duration, the majority of patients are able to return to work, indicates theHealth Insurance. This initial stoppage duration (because it can be renewed if the state of health requires it) is adapted according to:

  • age,
  • comorbidities possible (chronic cardio-pulmonary, renal pathologies, etc.), special monitoring is required for vulnerable people,
  • possible complications (bronchitis, secondary bacterial pneumonia…),
  • the severity and duration of symptoms (fever, headache, asthenia, body aches),
  • the persistence of asthenia marked after the status phase


– Sick leave: steps to take for the employee, Service-Public, July 7, 2022

– Work stoppage Seasonal flu, Health Insurance, June 2014
