Work stoppage by TABIP-SEN on March 14-16

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A statement was received from TABİP-SEN regarding the work stoppage that will take place on March 14-16. The following statements were included in the statement:

“Many investments in infrastructure and health technologies have been made in the field of health in our country. At the point we have reached today, although we have qualified physicians and a good infrastructure, the system works inefficiently. Just as courthouses do not work in places where there is no justice and laws, huge buildings do not work in places where we do not have physicians. What makes those buildings meaningful is the professional skills and self-sacrificing work of the physicians inside.

Both the physicians who serve and our citizens who receive the service are unhappy. Especially patients with chronic diseases, requiring further examination, treatment and research, and “real” emergency patients are victimized by the system.

We are physicians; We have been suffering from these problems for years, but now the work has come to the point of blockage and exhaustion. A community whose physicians are unhappy, insecure and unwilling will also be unhappy.

Solving problems in the health system; It is only possible by removing the economic (personal rights), legal (malpractice), social (violent) pressures on physicians. This; It’s a recipe that everyone wins. The truth is that; as physicians who sacrificed our youth; that our labor cannot be repaid with any wage or lifetime. The removal of pressures on physicians also leads to a decrease in defensive medicine; this will lead to an end to the waste in health and ultimately our state will win. The removal of pressure on physicians will lead citizens to receive quality health services and our nation will win.

Purely, health policies designed according to the wishes and desires of the patients; It is now a necessity to recycle it according to scientific grounds with a “physician-centered” approach.

As physicians, our demand is clear; It is to provide the conditions to practice our profession in confidence and peace and to live in a way worthy of human dignity. In order to seek our rights, we do not celebrate the “March 14 Medical Students’ Day”, which is a very important day for us; Due to the loss of our personal rights, unresolved violence and malpractice incidents and our pending mountain problems – urgent etc. except for exceptional services – we stop work for three days. So that the eyes that don’t want to see can see, ears that don’t want to hear can hear, minds that don’t want to notice can grasp and that sleeping hearts and consciences wake up… Our cry; as a call to real holidays…
We would like to thank each and every one of us who participated in our action, supported and gave us the right from the heart. With all due respect to the public.”
