Work, pay of 3.96 euros per hour is anti-Constitutional: the company is condemned

Work pay of 396 euros per hour is anti Constitutional the

(Finance) – The labor judge of Milan determined that an effective hourly wage of 3.96 euros per hour forces a worker to live below the poverty line – estimated by Istat a 840 euros – deeming the compensation anti-Constitutional. The case on which the judge ruled is that of a lady who worked 12 months a year for a security company, but despite the application of the national sector contract, she received a salary lower than the Basic incomearound 640 net.

L’article 36 of the Charter states in fact that “the worker has the right to a remuneration proportionate to the quantity and quality of his work and in any case sufficient to ensure a free and dignified existence for himself and his family”.

In the dock, in the case in which the woman was supported by the Adl Cobas, she is the Civis, important company Private security with registered office in Milan. The employee, employed in the doorman service in a large-scale distribution warehouse, lives in Padua instead. With the sentence in favor of the worker, the judge Tullio Perillo, condemned Civis to pay a compensation of 372 gross euros more for each month (over 6,700 in total), or the difference between the pay paid and that expected for a concierge service.
