Work, Orlando: forward on safety, more controls and prevention

Labor Minister Orlando signs a decree for the establishment of

(Finance) – The Government continues to work on workplace safety. For the minister Andrea Orlando it is necessary to intensify i controls and prevention activities and also focus on the reputation of companies.

“The National Labor Inspectorate has been strengthened from the point of view of staff and from the point of view of skills. New more effective and more timely sanctions have been introduced for companies that do not respect the rules, prevention tools have also been strengthened with a more active role of Inail “, Orlando said on the sidelines of a meeting at the Prefecture headquarters. of Prato on the subject of safety in the workplace.

“We are working to go further on the front of controls and prevention also starting from school, and on the reputation of businesses, on the qualification of businesses. We need to make sure that when companies leave, they are somehow able to guarantee safety standards, while we often see Chinese box games, businesses that close, open, evade existing legislation “, added the minister.

“We are working on all this, we have partially obtained results”.
