Work, Landini promises battle: ‘Close to 850 thousand signatures for referendum’

Work Landini promises battle Close to 850 thousand signatures for

(Telestock) – “We are close to 850 thousand signatures, we are collecting many and we will continue to collect them during the months of July and August”, said the leader of the CGIL, Maurizio landini, of the CGIL’s collection of forms for referendums on work starting from the repeal of the Jobs Act referendum.

Guest of Tagadà, on LA7, Landini says that “this government has chosen not to discuss, not to recognize the role of unions in defending workers; on issues such as pensions, healthcare, tax reform, today there is no real discussion”. Hence the recourse to “democratic tools such as the referendum”.

And this will be the case, he reiterates, also to ask for the repeal of the reform for differentiated autonomy, “to cancel a stupid law that divides the country and does not defend workers’ rights. Like on healthcare, or the right to study, rights that they should be guaranteed to everyone and throughout the country” without differences region by region. “Rights that this reform calls into question. They are rights that must be guaranteed to everyone.”

For the Cgil, he says, “wrong laws must be cancelled” regardless of which government passed them: “like the law on procurement of the Berlusconi government, or the reduced rights on dismissals” with the jobs act.
