Work, investments and new jobs for a project that uses Matese medicinal herbs

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(Finance) – In Campania, 100 new jobs will be created thanks to a program of planting of Matese medicinal herbsaimed at a study on new therapeutic measures against aging cellular, tissue and organ. The project, launched by Erbagila Benevento company operating in the sector of medical devices, cosmetics and agricultural products, in collaboration with the Departments of Pharmacy, Chemical Sciences and Engineering“Federico II” Universityalso sees the participation of other research bodies: the University of Sannio, the Vanvitelli of Caserta, the University of L’Aquila, Calabria, Palermo, Catania, the Inventia Biotech Research Center and the University of Granada.

The research will be presented on October 7th in Telese Terme, during the International Conference entitled “Role of cellular regeneration in the prevention and treatment of tissue-aging processes”.

The Erbagil project provides a investment of 20 million of euros will lead to the birth of 100 jobs in Ponte Valentino. Work is expected to begin on a project in January 2024 new factory. The company, which currently employs 120 people including employees and collaborators, will create a increase in turnover of 3 million of euros and foresees a further increase of 5 million in 2024.

“With the new Ponte Valentino site, the number of external consultants who collaborate assiduously with the company in all sectors, especially in research and development, will also rise to 400,” explains CEO Vincenzo Benevento.
