Work, Inail: in 7 months 441 thousand injuries and 569 deaths

Work in January there was a boom in infections

(Finance) – Le accident reports on work submitted to Inail between January and July were 441,451 (+ 41.1% compared to the same period of 2021), 569 of which with a fatal outcome (-16%). There was an increase in the number of occupational pathologies reported, which amounted to 36,163 (+ 6.8%) In the first seven months of 2022, compared to the same period of 2021, there was a “marked increase in overall accident reports, due to part of the highest number of accident reports since COVID-19 and in part to the growth of injuriestraditional“, a decrease in fatal deaths (due to the significant lower burden of contagion deaths) and a growth in occupational diseases.

The accident reports at work with fatal outcome 569 submitted to the Institute by last July, 108 fewer than the 677 registered in the first seven months of 2021 (-16.0%), summarizing a decrease in complaints in the four-month period January-April (-28, 7%) and an increase in the May-July quarter (+ 9.8%), in the comparison between the two years.

The complaints of occupational disease registered by Inail in the first seven months of 2022 were 36,163, an increase of 2,298 cases (+ 6.8%) compared to the same period of 2021 (10,958 more cases, for a percentage increase of 43.5%, compared to same period of 2020 and 2,338 fewer diseases reported, with a reduction of 6.1%, compared to the period January-July 2019). The data collected at 31 July of each year show an increase for the first seven months of this year in reported pathologies compared to the same period of 2021 in management Industry and services (+ 6.7%, from 27,812 to 29,679 cases) e Agriculture (+ 7.8%, from 5,730 to 6,179) and a decline in State account (-5.6%, from 323 to 305).
