work hundred in glass or leave – hundreds are believed to leave their jobs

work hundred in glass or leave hundreds are believed

Billionaire Elon Musk has continued his hard line at the head of Twitter. Musk himself is not very worried, but believes that “the best are staying”.

Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk’s it’s bubbling around again.

Employees have started to leave the social media company after Musk gave them an ultimatum on Thursday. Musk has asked Twitter employees to choose between working extremely hard and putting in long days or leaving the company.

The exact number of those leaving is not yet known, but according to the news agency Reuters, hundreds are estimated to leave the company.

According to information obtained by Reuters from its source, more than 500 employees have written farewell messages to their colleagues in Twitter’s internal chat.

News agency AFP has seen an internal memo that Musk sent to employees on Wednesday. In it, Musk writes that in order to move forward and build Twitter 2.0 in the midst of ever-increasing competition, Twitter users must be “extremely hardcore”.

– This means long working days with high intensity. Only exceptional performance is accepted, he continues.

Staff were asked to express their commitment to the “new Twitter” by Thursday evening via a web link. Otherwise they will lose their jobs.

Some have already made their choice. The employees have also publicly said goodbye to each other on Twitter and joked with the word hardcore.

Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion last month and has managed to cause confusion time and time again. He has already fired half of the company’s 7,500 employees and dismissed the board, prevented remote work and extended the employees’ working day.

The new paid verification system introduced by Twitter also did not work as expected, but the number of fake accounts on the platform multiplied.

News agency AFP describes the situation on Twitter as “chaos”. Some of the advertisers have also left the platform.

Musk: “The best people are staying”

Musk wrote on Twitter that he is not too worried about layoffs, because “the best people are staying.” According to him, the use of Twitter would also have reached the best readings ever.

Musk has reportedly spoken to some key employees to convince them they should stay.

News agency Reuters tells Twitter employees about a survey conducted with the Blind application. The application allows employees to share information anonymously with each other.

According to the survey, more than 40 percent of the 180 respondents have chosen to leave. A quarter said they would stay reluctantly. Seven percent chose the answer option “I intend to stay”.

In another survey conducted with the same application, employees were asked to rate how many employees leave. More than half of the respondents believe that at least 50 percent would leave.

Some are afraid of what will happen if engineers leave the company in droves. Engineers are responsible, for example, for fixing faults and preventing downtime.

– If Twitter crashes, in many regions there will be no one left who can fix it, a source tells Reuters.

Some time ago, Twitter was said to have asked back some of the employees it had previously dismissed.

Twitter has reportedly informed its employees that it will close its premises and prevent access to the premises with a pass until Monday. A source tells the news agency Reuters that the guards have removed the employees from the office on Thursday evening.

AFP, Reuters

* Does the future of Twitter provoke thought? You can discuss the topic until Saturday, November 19, 2022, until 11 p.m.

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