Work, ENEL presents the “Statute of the Person”

Work ENEL presents the Statute of the Person

(Finance) – Enhancing the human being by making him the protagonist of an ecosystem in which the company and trade unions collaborate to create a healthy, safe, stimulating and participatory work environment. An environment in which well-being, productivity and safety can mutually reinforce each other, contributing to the fullest realization of the person. This is the goal of the Statute of the Person, signed last March 29 by Enel and the trade unions Filctem, Flaei and Uiltec and presented today in Rome. An innovative protocol in the Italian panorama that inaugurates a model of trade union relations based on the involvement of the individual and the company, enhancing the person in a harmonious relationship with the surrounding world.

“The Statute of the Person of Enel is an eight-handed work, between the company and the social partners, which gives us hope: that of removing people from anonymity – he said. Guido Stratta, People & Organization director of Enel Group -. It is based on three foundations: result, motivation and well-being. It is crucial for us to achieve results, but we don’t want to do it at all costs. The activity of the trade union is fundamental, which perhaps blocks shortcuts, but gives us an alternative vision “.

At the center of the Statute of the Person there is one wide-ranging collaboration between the company and trade unions which affects essential aspects related to work and its social function. There are three areas: well-being, participation and productivity to promote the protection of dignity at work, inclusiveness, the measurement of productivity taking into account attention to the human factor, work-life balance and flexibility, the construction and preservation of an environment free of prejudices. The second point is that of knowledge and continuous learning, a “life long learning” model, with training and professional refresher courses, of female empowerment to favor the choice towards scientific disciplines (STEM), the offer of internships and openness to external training contributions, also providing for the planning of specific moments to be dedicated exclusively to self-training. To these is added the culture and behavior of safety, especially that at work with the provision of ex ante and ex post accident-risk analyzes, the identification of the most innovative technologies for accident prevention, worker responsibility and strengthening of the safety culture also through the involvement of the supplier network.

“This beautiful understanding that you have negotiated, shared and signed in my opinion – underlined in his speech secretary of the CISL Luigi Sbarra – has the value of being a forerunner for a season of renewed leadership of the social partners and the world of work with respect to the major issues concerning the issues of growth and development. I have read the agreement, I see elements of absolute innovation and an effort of absolute modernization and relaunch of trade union and industrial relations in our country. With Enel we boast a consolidated and structured patrimony of responsible and participatory trade union relations. This is an understanding that has great contents at the base. I think it was a considerable effort to put the value, quality and stability of work back at the center and to bring back the dignity of the person as a priority: this is the great challenge we face. Today in the face of so many concerns, in a context characterized by the heavy repercussions of the war in Ukraine, I also see the opportunity to build a new social model of growth and development that moves away from the logic of rent and speculative finance, that distances us from the perspective of a poorly governed globalization that has created an abyss of inequality between rich and poor. It is necessary to put the perspective of quality, stability and dignity of work and the centrality of the person at the center of growth and development. to extend and strengthen bargaining. I consider – added the secretary of the CISL – the content of the statute is important, decisive, which can be used as a school. It is a good practice that we must strengthen, emulate and extend to other sectors as well. One of the great guidelines that I see is the strong investment in human capital, with an effort on the growth of skills and training, in a word on active policies. Passive policies are sacrosanct but today we pay the price of not having dared in the past on active policies. I also see a great appeal to the value of participation. If the company grows we consolidate and stabilize work, if we work together we recover productivity that we can redistribute to improve wages and salaries. This agreement has an enormous profile of values. Let’s breathe it and let it walk by transferring it to contracts “.

“The first point of great interest is that from this Constitution – he stressed Stratta – coherent laws arise. It is a responsibility that we will take on in translating the Statute, otherwise it risks remaining a nice warning but with no discharge on the ground “.

“I think the most interesting thing about this Statute – he said Michel Martone, full professor of labor law and industrial relations at the Faculty of Economics of the Sapienza University of Rome, former Deputy Minister of Labor – or that, at a time when a distinction seems to emerge in companies between those who are in favor of remote work and those who are against it, it tries to find a minimum common denominator by putting the person back at the center “.

“For us it was essential to equip ourselves with a tool that would put the whole Enel world into a system in a logic of inclusion. Within the Statute of the Person – highlighted the national secretary of Filctem Cgil, Ilvo Sorrentino – it says that if the workload is huge, no one can force you to go on with that activity because first of all comes the issue of safety. For the first time, it is sanctioned that work must be protected not only from the point of view of wages and dignity, but also from the point of view of safety “.

“This is a document of principles that represents a unicum within the history of our trade union relations. It is important because in this moment of uncertainty about the prospects, having clear, innovative and explicit principles is fundamental. In a phase of change, it is necessary to have principles which constitute a patrimony for a vision that they then guide also in practice – said the president of the Cnel Tiziano Treu -. In the history of labor law and industrial relations we have had as a prototype in the Cipputi regulation, subordinate work, the so-called blue collar, but this prototype has actually obscured what the person who works is. The more time passes, the more differences emerge and the changes take us away from the Cipputi model. Not going forward risks presenting our job as experts in labor law as an instrument of protection for the poor weak worker to be protected and instead the need is to overcome past models and increase people’s skills. It is necessary to ensure that the work becomes development of the person. As the Statute says, taking a leap forward with respect to the need for protection, it is necessary to ensure that work becomes an instrument for the development of the person. The second element of novelty of the Statute is the introduction of an individual dimension, thought and argued in collective relations. This is no small thing: in practice and historically the individual dimension has been exploited and seen as the enemy of the collective dimension. Instead, here it is necessary to change and change this reference paradigm. The prospect of the universalization of labor rights is a path that must also be transferred to contracts. And it is true that Enel is like a happy island but here there is a responsibility to do even more. A company like Enel must apply this universalist push of decent work and must also look outside the chains of suppliers and subcontractors. When you go to decline these principles in participatory procedures and guidelines, you will have to materially intercept the passage of work organization in a digital environment and deal with issues such as timetables and the principles of safety and prevention also in these new environments “.
