Work, boom in employed people under 25

United Kingdom unemployment rises and disappoints

(Telestock) – Boom in employment under 25, even if in Italy the participation of young people in the workplace still has room for improvement compared to Europe. Between 2021 and 2023, Of the 1 million 26 thousand additional jobs, approximately 439 thousand were for young people under 35.
Youth employment recorded a growth rate of 8.9%, double the general rate of 4.5%. And those who recorded the strongest growth in percentage terms were under 25, with a balance of 169 thousand more employed and a growth rate of 16.7%. However, the youth issue remains an emergency in our country, positioned at the bottom of the European rankings for level of participation
to work dynamics. In the lowest age group (20-24 years), compared to a European average employment rate of 54.2%, the Italian rate stands at 36%. These are some of the results that emerge from the note from the Fondazione Studi Consulenti del Lavoro “Youth employment is growing.

The gap with Europe is narrowing”based on Istat data, and which highlights how the need for innovation in the skills of many companies has contributed to interrupting the trend of a sharp contraction in youth employment that began in the 2000s. But also the scarcity of job offers which, together with the turnover underway in many sectors (public administration first and foremost), is once again directing demand towards young people. The permanent component is also growing between 2021 and 2023: out of 415 thousand new employees, 373 are on permanent contracts. But it is by looking at the professional profiles that an improvement in the placement of young people in the pyramid is highlighted

In fact, the number of young people in employment is increasing in highly qualified professions: intellectual and scientific profiles grew by 113 thousand units (+10.9%) and intermediate technical profiles by 125 thousand (+9.4%). Tourism is driving the growth in youth employment which, with 140 thousand more employed in accommodation and catering services, recorded an increase of 23.7%. Next, the health and assistance sectors (+10.1%) and information and communication (+20.3%). Also worth highlighting are the good performances of artistic, sports and entertainment activities which, with a balance of 37 thousand more employed, recorded an increase of 32.1%. In the face of these positive
dynamics, it should not be overlooked that the youth issue in our country remains an emergency. It is indicative that Italy is among the European countries where young people have the least work experience during their studies. Only 22.4% of young people between the ages of 20 and 34 declare having worked during their studies against much higher values ​​in the Netherlands (72.3%), Germany (68%) and Austria (64.4%). It is above all the late entry into the labor market that conditions the chances of inclusion and growth in the labor market. Reducing entry times, favoring more the combination of training and professional experiences, it is a priority objective to fill a gap that not even the good results of recent years have managed to significantly reduce.
