Work, 9.8 million people in the EU employed in the ICT sector

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(Finance) – In 2023, people employed in the EU as specialists in the Information and communication technologies (ICT) were 9.8 million, 4.8% of the total number of employed people. The highest share of ICT specialists was recorded in Sweden (8.7%), followed by Luxembourg (8%) e Finland (7.6%). The lowest odds were observed in Greece (2.4%), Romania (2.6%) e Slovenia (3.8%). According to data published by Eurostat There has been a growth trend in ICT specialists in the EU in recent years, with the number of people working in this sector increasing by 1.5 percentage points (pp) since 2013 and an increase of 0.2 pp compared to 2022 (4.6%).

The share of women who work as ICT specialists stood at 19.4% in 2023, up 2.7 pp compared to 2013 (16.7%) and 0.5 pp compared to 2022 (18.9%). TO level nationalthe highest shares of women among employed ICT specialists were observed in Bulgaria (29.1%), Estonia (26.8%) and Romania (26.0%), while the lowest shares were observed in the Republic Czech Republic (12.4%), Malta (13.8%), Hungary and Italy (both 15.7%).
