Work: 352 thousand hirings expected by companies in December, +23 thousand compared to a year ago

Cetif Research NTT DATA the research Designing the next digital

(Finance) – Boom in hiring, 352 thousand, permanent or fixed-term contracts lasting more than 30 days, scheduled by companies for the month of December and those scheduled for the entire December-February quarter rise to almost 1.3 million. Compared to a year ago there was an increase of +7.0% (+23 thousand hires) in the month and +6.9% (+84 thousand hires) in the quarter. This is what emerges from Excelsior Information System Bulletinrealized by Unioncamere in collaboration with Anpal.They are keeping the demand for work high tourism and trade businesses which plan for 70 thousand and 56 thousand entries respectively in the month, with the Christmas holidays approaching (+6.7% and +13.1% compared to the same period in 2022). The difficulty in finding remains high, affecting 171 thousand profiles sought, equal to 48.5% of the total hirings, a value 3.3 percentage points higher than a year ago.

Industry is looking for around 93 thousand workers in December, while services are looking for 259 thousand. For industry, mechatronics and metallurgy companies offer the greatest job opportunities, with 18 thousand and 11 thousand planned hires respectively. Employment opportunities in the construction sector are also still significant, with 30 thousand new arrivals planned, despite the decline in job demand compared to December 2022 (-2.4%). For services, during the Christmas holidays, in addition to the hiring forecasts for tourism and commerce remaining high, we highlight personal services (40 thousand entries), operational support services for businesses and people (29 thousand) and transport and logistics (28 thousand). Fixed-term contracts are confirmed as the most proposed form with over 188 thousand units, equal to 53.5% of the total, followed by permanent contracts (84 thousand units, 23.8%).

In December the mismatch between job supply and demand affects 171 thousand hires of the 352 thousand scheduled, mainly due to the lack of candidates (31.5%). Among the most difficult professions to find, Borsino Excelsior highlights specialists in the life sciences (which include pharmacists and other specialists in the pharmaceutical and biomedical supply chain, biologists, veterinarians, agronomists and are difficult to find in 89.1% of cases) , technicians in the production processes of goods and services (61.9%), health technicians (61.4%), workers employed on machinery in the textile and clothing industry (72% for both), foundry workers, welders, metal carpentry assemblers (69.3%) and specialized workers involved in finishing constructions (68.8%).

Compared to last year the demand for immigrant workers increases by 18.2%. which goes from 62 thousand profiles searched in December 2022 to the current 72 thousand (+10 thousand). Among the sectors that are most looking for foreign workers are operational support services for businesses and people which plan to cover over 32% of revenue with foreign workers, transport, logistics and warehousing services (27.6%), construction (26.5%), accommodation, catering and tourism services (22.9%) and the metal and metal products industries (21.8%).

At a territorial level, the greatest job opportunities are offered by companies in the North West, which plan 107 thousand entries in the month and 416 thousand in the quarter, followed by companies in the South and islands with 88 thousand job positions sought in the month and 308 thousand in the quarter, by those in the North East with 85 thousand hirings in the month and 301 thousand in the quarter and the Center with 72 thousand and 267 thousand entries respectively.

(Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)
