Woodstock Residents Will have a chance to choose a deputy mayor after the city’s politicians agreed to add the position to cover.

The Next Time Woodstock Residents vote in the municipal election, they’ll have a chance to choose a deputy mayor after the city’s politicians agreed to add the position to cover.
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In A 5-2 Recorded Voting at a Council Meeting March 6, Woodstock Councillors Approved A Motion That Reshuffles Council by Replacing A Councillor Position With A Deputy Mayor.
When Woodstock Voters Head to the Polls for the Municipal Election On Oct. 26, 2026, They will vote for a Mayor, Deputy Mayor, City-County Councillor and Four City Councillors. Becuse Woodstock is in Oxford County, a Two-Totier Municipal Government System, the Elected City-County Councillor Serves at the County Level Along with the Mayor.
“Our city has grown with future expected growth, and i feel it is the best interest of our citizens to have the position of a full-time deputy mayor,” coun. Connie Lauder Said at the meeting.
Lauder, the mover of the motion, Added: “The Role can be defined as a person who would act as the head of a council assum the dies of the mayor for a duration Requested by the mayor should the mayor be unable to perform the dies due to illness, incapacity or if the office becomes vacant.
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The Role of Acting Mayor is an appointment position, and the addition of an elected deputy mayor allows the public the opportunity to weight in, a process coun. Deb Tait supported.
“(I) Believe that Should be (an) Elected Position,” Tait Said. “I want to Thank coun. Lauder for Bringing This Forward. ”
However, in Opposing the Motion, Councillors Bernia Martin and Kate Leatherbarrow Both Felt Current Councilers Would Have The Inside Track for the Deputy Mayor Position.
The Report, from Deputy City Clerk Jeff Bunn, Stated the Rejig Wouldn’t Come at a cost to implement, noting the 8.35 per cent Premium Afforded to the City’s Acting Mayor Would be allocated to the Elected Deputy Mayor.
During the Debate, Woodstock Mayor Jerry Acchione Said the Move to Add A Deputy Mayor Would Assist Council Function, and “Could Step in For That Ongoing Continuity of Business,” In the Event a Mayor was unable to perform their dies.
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ACCHIONE NOTED A PREVIOUS Situation in Which Lauder Took on the Acting Mayor Role and Credited Her Experience.
“We Got Very Lucky Becaus of the Knowledge That Coun. Lauder had when (in) a previous term we Did Run Into a scenario, ”Acchione Said.
Lauder Took on the Role of Acting Mayor in 2022, Stepping in for then-Mayor Trevor Birtch in February of That Year, Because He was facing charges of Assault and Sexual Assault.
Earlier this Year the embattled form mayor was convicted of sexual assault. In a Separate Trial Last Month, Birtch Pleaded Guilty to Driving With Blood Alcohol Content Over the Legal Limit and Received A 90-Day Conditional Sentence, A Year of Probation and A 12-Month Driving Ban.
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