Woodstock grad earns prestigious national scholarship

A graduating Woodstock student has been selected as a recipient of one of the country’s most prestigious STEM scholarships.

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Noah Sonser, a Grade 12 student at St. Mary’s Catholic high school, has been chosen as a Schulich Leader, an honor that carries a $100,000 scholarship. This highly competitive entrance scholarship is granted to high school graduates who are pursuing science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) programs at one of the Schulich Foundation’s 20 Canadian partner universities.

Sonser will be attending the University of Waterloo’s physical sciences program in the fall.

“This generous scholarship from the Schulich Foundation allows the STEM innovators of the future to study without financial worries,” Sonser said in a release.” I look forward to using my passion for mathematical physics to change the world.”

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From the hundreds of nationwide applicants, only 100 students are chosen annually. The selected “top entrepreneurial-minded” students are chosen for their academic excellence, leadership, charisma and creativity,” the release noted.

Sonser’s selection as a Schulich Leader also represents a historic moment for the Woodstock high school since this is the first time a St. Mary’s nominee has earned this honor. Sonser’s success, St. Mary’s officials noted, has become a “source of inspiration for his peers and a point of pride for the entire school community.”

“We are incredibly proud of Noah and his outstanding achievement,” St. Marys principal Tony D’Oria said in the release. “He exemplifies the qualities if a Schulich Leader, and we have no doubt he will continue to excel and make significant contributions on the field of STEM.”

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