Women’s World Cup | Guide to the Women’s World Cup: teams, stars and coaches

Womens World Cup Guide to the Womens World Cup

The United States arrives in Australia and New Zealand as the reigning world champion and being the power of the planet par excellence. His record says so: four World Cups (1991, 1999, 2015 and 2019), four Golds in the Olympic Games (1996, 2004, 2008 and 2012) and nine CONCACAF cups. The history of women’s football is hers and she arrives in Oceania with the desire to continue expanding it. It is a very powerful team, with players of great individual quality and great physicality. It is the rival that no team wants to face. Las Morgan, Lavelle, Dunn, Ertz, Horan and company have the plus of adding endless internationalities. Experience is a plus for Vlatko Andonovski’s team. The former Macedonian-American soccer player has been leading this giant since 2019 with success. It will be the last tournament for Rapinoe, who will retire.

THE BEST AND THE WORST The best thing about the US is that it knows how to compete in this type of scenario. Despite the fact that strong competitors have emerged over the years, such as the European teams, their results in the final and knockout phases are withering. The worst of the North Americans are the casualties: Catarina Macario did not arrive, nor Mallory Swanson nor Sam Mewis. But it comes full of stars.
