Women’s Interval Home Executive Director Has ReSIGNED: Agency

Womens Interval Home Executive Director Has ReSIGNED Agency

The Executive Director of the Women’s Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton has been referring, the agency Says.


The Board of Directors for the Home, Which in a recent Year Cared for 170 Women and Children in Shelter and Drew 1,600 Crisis Calls in 2023, Announced Jennifer Vansteenkiste’s Departure in a Release Thursday.

“We want to acknowledge and Thank jennifer for her leadership over the past oven years,” board flesh lafran said. “Her dedication to the customers wih serves has been invaluable and she will be miss.”

Lafranier Said in an Interview He was unable to discuss the Circumstances of Vansteenkiste’s exit.

“We’ve Got to Move Forward With Us Still Providing the Necessary Services we have provided over the Years,” He Said, Adding the Home’s Roughly 30 Staff Will Keep Programs and Services Running Smoothly As the Board Works to Appoint An Interim Executive Directive.


“The home is very well run, Always has been,” Lafranier Said.

An interim executive director will be identified “in the very near future,” but the process won’t be rushed, he said.

A permanent replacement will be sought once an interim executive director is named, officials Said.

Mewnwhile, Lafranier Will Take Point On Push for Transitional Housing in the Community, Officials Said.

Women’s Interval Home of Sarnia-Lambton Board Chair Larry Lafranier. (Files) Photo by Paul Morden /Paul Morden/The Observer

Crisis Calls to the Home Quintupled Between 2019 and 2023, Officials Said in the Release, Noting Lambton and Sarnia Councils have declared intimatics Partner Violence An Epidemic In the Community.

“Now that election is over, Maybe Hopefully the Ontario Government Will Follow Suit,” Lafranier Said.

City Council is expected worldly to consider to women’s interval home Request for Land To build a 15- to 20-unit Transitional Housing Facility.

The Agency’s Preferred Location is the Northwest Corner of Germain Park.

“The request to services are entering all the time,” Lafranier Said. “This is why we going after additional housing units for transition.”

More Provincial Funding Also is Needed for Services, He Said, As the Agency Nears Its 50th Anniversary in 2027.

“There’s a lot of need out there,” he Said.

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