When it comes to Heart Disease, Medical Research tends to be based on men.
When it comes to Heart Disease, Medical Research tends to be based on men.
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That leads to medical decisions for women’s Heart Health Being Based on Data from Men, Said Women’s Heart Health Advocate Heather Ebbs.
“Men’s and Women’s Hearts are different,” She Said.
For Example, Women Might Not Necessarry Experience Crush Chest Pain Before A Heart Attack, But Feel Pressure, Nausea and Abdominal Pain, Said the Volnteer Certified by the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Center of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
Ebbs is offering a free talk feb. 13 at the Sarnia Library theater about How Heart Disease Effects Women.
The main purposes is raising awareness to help people take action, she said.
Called Start the Conversation, Becuse Her Heart Matters Too, the 90-Minute Talk with Time for Questions, She Said, Includes about Those Differentes-Women tend to have Higher Heart Rates, Smaller Hearts and Arteries Than Men, Accord to cwhhc.ottawaheart.ca – How to Manage Risk Factors Like Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure, and How to Talk with Physicians, She Said.
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“Becuse a lot of us can be a little intimidated when we go into a doctor’s office, or we come out and we say ‘was a minute. Did She Just Say This’ Kind of Thing, ”She Said.
PREPARING FOR VISITS With Questions, and Maybe Asking to Record What A Doctor Says Can Help, She Said.
Ebbs Said She Started Predenting in Early 2020, Months After Her Own Heart Attack prompt the Form Indexer, Writer and Teacher to withdraw.
She experienced back and chest bread, but her heart attack was atypical in that it was caused by plaque buildp but spontaneous arterial wall tissue separation, she said.
Medication and healthy lifestyle Changes Have Helped, She Said.
She’s Speaking in Sarnia Becaus of A Connection With A Local Service Club, She Said.
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Her Sister Ruth Pedlar is a Member with the Local Iode (Trainly Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire) Errol-Egremont Chapter.
The Group is Covering the cost of the theatre Rental, Pedlar Said, noting Feb. 13 Is Wear Red Canada Day, Promoting Awareness about the Largely Preventable Disease wearredcanada.ca Says Affects One in Three Women.
“There’s no registration, just show up,” Pedlar Said about the 10:30 am am talk.
The Group, that with other sarnia-lambton iodine chapters is also celebracting the 125th anniversary of iode this month, focuses, among other THINGS, we local community service and support, eSpecially for Women, Pedlar Said.
A Separate, Free Anniversary Event Feb. 15 at the Judith and Norman Alix Art Gallery invites people to meet and greet iode Members 2-4 pm and features group Tours of the Inuit Carvings Exhibition-Carvings WEE DONATED via iodine in the 1960s-Cupcakes, iodine Displays, and Giveays, Officials Said In a News Release.
“The sarnia-lambton iodine chapters are proud to celebrate the founding of its organization on Feb. 13 and will be Joining Chapters Across Canada in Celebrating the 125th Anniversary, ”iodine Ontario President and Archivist Helen Danby Said.