“Women’s everyday life is a slow execution of the soul” – a year ago women were locked in their homes in Afghanistan, but they did not remain silent

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Last August, the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan and what was feared happened. The Taliban has proven to be as brutal as it was when it was last in power 20 years ago.

– Women’s everyday life is a slow execution of the soul. They are allowed to breathe, but they don’t have any other freedoms, Afghanistan expert Aziza Hossain describes the lives of women in a Taliban-run state.

According to a UN report from July, Afghan women have lost the opportunity to fully participate in education, working life and other aspects of public life in the past year. Afghan girls over the age of 12 are prohibited from attending school, and women are only allowed to travel within the country and abroad accompanied by their male family members.

According to Hossain, the Taliban’s exclusion of women can already be seen in the change in men’s way of thinking. Even those who were more tolerant of women’s rights before the rise of the Taliban have tightened their views.

– Fathers and brothers may not let girls under 12 go to school. They are told that why should you go to school, because you can’t go to school after the age of 12 anyway, Hossaini says in ‘s 8 minutes program.

Although efforts have been made to exclude women from society, some still dare to oppose the tyranny.

However, the punishment for this is severe. Women’s human rights activists have been imprisoned, tortured, raped and killed.

– I heard yesterday that the Afghan girls did a small-scale demonstration with their teachers. They come out with their own faces and risk everything, says Hossaini.

Watch the 8 minutes program at Areena:
