Women exposed to air pollution give birth to small babies, study finds

Women exposed to air pollution give birth to small babies


1 – Abstract no: PA311 “Preconception air pollution/greenness exposure and pregnancy outcomes: The Life-GAP Project”, by Robin Mzati Sinsamala et al; Presented in session, “Determinants of lung health” at 08:00-09:30 CEST on Sunday 10 September 2023.

2 – Pi Guo, Yuliang Chen, Haisheng Wu, Jing Zeng, Zhisheng Zeng, Weiping Li, Qingying Zhang, Xia Huo, Wenru Feng, Jiumin Lin, Huazhang Miao, Yingxian Zhu, Ambient air pollution and markers of fetal growth: A retrospective population -based cohort study of 2.57 million term singleton births in China, Environment International, Volume 135, 2020, 105410, ISSN 0160-4120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.105410

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6 – Nan Zhao, Jie Qiu, Shuangge Ma, Yaqun Zhang, Xiaojuan Lin, Zhongfeng Tang, Honghong Zhang, Huang Huang, Ning Ma, Yuan Huang, Michelle L Bell, Qing Liu, Yawei Zhang, Effects of prenatal exposure to ambient air pollutant PM10 on ultrasound-measured fetal growth, International Journal of EpidemiologyVolume 47, Issue 4, August 2018, Pages 1072–1081, https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyy019

7 – Pregnancy exposure to atmospheric pollution and meteorological conditions and placental DNA methylation – Emilie Abraham et al. – Environment International – June 21, 2018 (accessible online)

8 – Adverse organogenesis and predisposed long-term metabolic syndrome from prenatal exposure to fine particulate matter – Guoyao Wu et al. – PNAS first published May 28, 2019 (accessible online)
