Women, Cnel-Istat: growing occupation in already “feminized” professions

Women Cnel Istat growing occupation in already feminized professions

(Finance) – In recent years the growth offemale occupation It has mainly concerned the professions traditionally already prevalently prevalent: carers, employed, cleaning. It was therefore accentuating the so -called horizontal gender segregation. This is what the CNEL-Istat report underlines “The work of women between obstacles and opportunities“.

Between 2008 and 2023 there is a strengthening of the presence of women in the professions relatively more feminized especially in reference to unqualified staff in domestic, recreational and cultural activities, including domestic collaborators. The phenomenon of segregation It is then detected in the qualified professions of services, for the group of teachers, office employees and direct contact personnel with the clientele. A turnaround, instead, is observed among the managers of the Public Administration and among the doctors, traditionally professions by male majority, where there is an increase in women.

About half of the female employment-reads the CNEL-Istat report-is concentrated in sun 21 professionswhile for men in 53 nurse and the operators social and healththe cleaning services and primary school teachers. Among the specialist/intellectual professions, we find only those related to the field of training. In general, compared to the panorama of female employment, the male one is much more varied.

Among the employed in the professions of area Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Only one fifth-underlines the CNEL-Istat report-is represented by women (19.1%), with a greater space among the specialists in mathematical sciences, physical and natural chemicals (one third of the employees), between engineers and architects (23.6%), and an even less relevant weight among the specialists in IT and technological sciences (ICT 17.8%) and among the technical professions in the STEM field (17.0%). The younger generations are very far from the area of ​​equality, although the share of women 25-39-year-olds used in the STEM area is almost 10 points higher than in generation 55-69 years (22.3% compared to 13.2%).

THE’Italy is one of the few countries with the Prime Minister woman. However, overall, vertical segregation – adds the relationship – still remains a very relevant reality. It is the so -called crystal ceiling, which blocks or in any case brakes the professional growth of women. The parliamentarians Woman are in Italy 33.6%, in line with the EU27 average of 33.2%, but far from the Nordic countries, such as Iceland, Finland and Sweden, which are at the top of the European ranking and close to a condition of perfect balance with values ​​between 46 and 47%. We are also distant from other Mediterranean countries: in Spain the female parliamentary presence reaches 43.4%. On even lower levels the female presence in government functions: 29.7% compared to 35.2% of the EU27 average and countries such as Finland, Belgium and Netherlands in which women in the government represent the majority share, with values ​​of 72.4%, 55% and 53.6% respectively.

Looking at the politics localthe female presence-continues the CNEL-Istat relationship-is even more contained than the national level and the delay with the rest of Europe is more evident. The share of women elected in the regional councils stops in 2023 to 24.5%, placing our country more than 10 points away from the European average (35.7%) and in 13th place in the ranking of the 19 European countries for which we have this data. In October 2024 of 19 Regional Presidents Only one is a woman. Among the mayors Female representation stops at 15.4%: only two of the 20 capital municipalities have women’s mayors. No woman, on the other hand, is at the helm of one of the 9 city undergroundwhere even among the councilors the female presence drops to 30.6%.

If among the magistrates – adds the research – Ordinary women represent the majority (58.6%), and among the magistrates with semi -relief roles the gender composition is around the area of ​​perfect equality (with 46.4%of women), things change, and much, among the magistrates with guiding roles, where women stop at 28.8%. Same goes in the sector Healthcare: women represent more than half of the medical managers operating in the National Health Service (56%), but the female presence drops to 38% in the presence of an assignment of simple structure and is reduced to 21% in the case of the assignment of a complex structure (former primary).

Although the gender balance has been consolidated in the Boards of administration from the companies listed on the stock exchange (The female presence stands at 43.1% in the face of a European value of 34.2%), the statistics-as the CNEL-Istat ratio indicates-paint a sadly clear picture: women continue to be widely underpred to the corporate leadership positions. And nevertheless several studies demonstrate the financial advantages of a female guide. Staying on the large companies listed on the stock exchange in Italy only 2.9% of the CEOs are women against an EU27 average of 7.8%, 21.1% of Lithuania (which leads the ranking) and, to make another example, of 8.3% of France.

The disparities remain enormous even if you look at the company directors. Italy – highlights the report – is located in the queue positions of the ranking of EU countries with 15.6% of women’s leaders, at considerable distance from the EU27 average of 22.7%, but above all from countries such as Latvia or France, in which women who guide a company listed on the stock exchange represent respectively 32.1% and 29.9%. Finally, in 2024, no woman held the role of governor of one of the European central banks.

Almost 7 businesses out of 10 they are male owned. The equal ones, in which the property is equally divided between men and women, represent-explains the Cnel-Itet ratio-a completely residual component, equal to 1.6%. Female companies are on average younger than male ones: 41.6% have a maximum of 5 years of life, compared to 34% of male enterprises. The difference remains of 5 percentage points also between newly new, up to 2 years of life: 25% and 20% respectively. On the contrary, 21.0% of women are over twenty years old against 29.1% of male enterprises.

Looking at the sectors of activity economicless than a company out of five in the industry sector (19.2%) is women’s guidance. One third of the companies in the service sector is reached (33.2%). Definitely contained – adds the investigation – the presence in the construction sector (6.6%), which is confirmed as a strong male characterization. Strong diversification in themanufacturing areawith a presence of female enterprises that is on average on average on 19.4%, but which reaches 27.9% in the food sector, exceeds 30% in the textiles and in the manufacture of leather items and reaches 50% in the package of clothing, skin and fur items. More numerous female enterprises only in the others service activities (57.9%). Companies in the health and social assistance and education sectors are placed in the area of ​​equality. The composition per gender in the other sectors of services are less balanced, which still remain more balanced than the industry and constructions sector.

Strong gender characterization of employees at dependencies of entrepreneurs: 50.3% of employees in female enterprises (with employees) are female, compared to 38.1% of male -owned companies staff. Except in constructions, this occurs transversely to the sectors of economic activity. The greatest share of women’s employees in female enterprises-the CNEL-Istat report specifies-is observed both in the manufacturing sector, with a difference of 7 percentage points (34.4% against 27.3% of male companies), and in the sector of supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, where the difference rises to 10 percentage points (33.8% vs 23.4%), up to the other in the sector in the sector in the sector Service activities, where the female component of employment reaches 83.4% in companies led by women and 55.3% in male ones.

Among the approximately 5 million entrepreneurs operating in Italy, approximately 1 million and 500 thousand I am women (30.3%), with a growth respect between 2015 and 2022 of over 100 thousand units (+1.2 percentage points). Thanks to a more conspicuous Under35 component, the entrepreneurs – highlights the report – are on average more young of their colleagues: they have an average age of 49 in the face of 52 of their male colleagues. The greatest presence of young people among entrepreneurs contributes to mitigating, without canceling it, the strong gender imbalance. In the 50 -year class and the more women represent 26.8% of the entrepreneurs complex. The imbalance is slightly reduced to the central age class (33.4%) and more consistently among the youngest, where the female share
