Women attacked a family of children in Skåne – brought to trial

A couple in northwestern Skåne were in the process of nighting their child when two women showed up outside the apartment.
Shortly thereafter, the mother was attacked with kicks and punches, and the father was stabbed.
Now women are facing trial, reports Helsingborgs Dagblad.

The two women, who are in their 30s, showed up outside the family apartment the night before New Year’s Eve. Shortly before, the women and the mother of the family had sent messages between each other, writes Hd.

The attack began with one of the women, who is said to have had a previous relationship with the father in the family, entered through the front door.

The man then rushed after and locked to prevent her girlfriend from following. According to interrogation, the woman must have gone to the man’s wife, who held the couple’s joint child in his arms, with kicks and punches.

The woman should also have waving a sharp object and threatened both the mother and the child, while her friend urged her to “chop” her mother, writes HD.

Tried to get in through windows

When the man tried to walk between to protect his family, the woman’s friend took the opportunity to try to get into the apartment through a broken window. In interrogation that the newspaper took part in, the man describes that he rushed between his wife and the window, and that “everything became chaos”.

When the man tried to stop the other woman from getting in through the window, she must have stabbed him, writes HD. The man states that he managed to keep her out of the apartment, and that he took down the woman who attacked his wife on the floor, before the police showed up.

Denies to crime

The two women were arrested and have been detained since the beginning of January, writes HD.

Now they are faced with trial, suspected of serious abuse and minor drug offenses, when they are reported to have been affected during the incident.

Both women deny the abuse charges and have instead described themselves as victims in the situation. The woman who has had a relationship with the man also denies drug offenses.
