Woman suspected of being kidnapped north of Stockholm

The police are investigating a suspected kidnapping north of Stockholm.
A bound woman is said to have been seen being forced into a luggage compartment, according to information to TV4 Nyheterna.
– The police have carried out a technical investigation, says spokesperson Rebecca Landberg.

The police were alerted on Sunday evening to a residential area north of Stockholm.

– A witness came forward after seeing how a woman was forced into a car under threat, says Rebecca Landberg, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

According to information given to TV4, the witness stated that the woman’s hands were tied and that a man placed her in the trunk of the car.

The police launched a major operation and have conducted intensive investigative work. Among other things, they have received a description of the vehicle and have searched for it.

Investigating “newer cars like Teslas”

Rebecca Landberg confirms that a preliminary investigation into kidnapping has been launched and that the department for serious crimes is investigating the matter.

– The police have carried out a technical investigation at the place where the suspected kidnapping is supposed to have taken place, they have also brought in surveillance footage. Both through cooperation with Trafik Stockholm, but also surveillance footage that may have been captured from newer cars such as Teslas and more, she says.

– We have held interviews with witnesses where information from witness interviews is carefully reviewed to assess whether we can continue to work in any part. We have also carried out door knocking in the area.

“Controls all of Sweden”

The police have not been able to identify the woman or a suspected perpetrator.

– We are continuously looking for reports that come in regarding missing persons. We then control the whole of Sweden.

They do not wish to comment further on the matter.

– Right now, the police are working to investigate the circumstances surrounding the information that has come to our attention from witness statements.
