Woman received CPR after she fell asleep

Woman received CPR after she fell asleep

Published: Just now

full screenThe event is lex Sarah-registered. Stock Photography. Photo: Hasse Holmberg / TT

Everything was quiet when an elderly woman fell asleep in a short-term residence in Sölvesborg. At her side she had relatives who said a final goodbye. Suddenly staff rushed in and gave her heart compressions – despite the fact that it was in the medical record that no such measures would be taken, Blekinge Läns Tidning reports.

The woman had been cared for in hospital before she arrived at the short-term accommodation on 6 July. The next day she died. Relatives had been told that there was nothing more medical to do for the woman and a doctor had written in the medical record that she would receive a so-called palliative care. Relatives of the woman have now reported what happened.

The incident has been investigated, according to Annelie Lysö who is responsible for the accommodation.

“Regarding the incident surrounding CPR, we see shortcomings in our routines,” the municipality writes in a response to the relatives.

Sölvesborg municipality has lex Sarah-reported the incident.
