Woman lures man onto a stage during gamescom, secretly preparing a romantic moment

gamescom is one of the most important gaming events of the year. Numerous fans flock to Cologne to experience the spectacle on site. Some use the big event to surprise their partner with a special gesture.

During a joint Twitch stream by Niklot “Tolkin” Stüber and the “DoktorFroid” channel, there was a romantic moment that touched and applauded the audience: a woman proposed to her partner.

The DoktorFroids streamer Olli was sitting on a small stage having a conversation with Tolkin when Paul (also from DoktorFroid) entered the hall. After apologizing for interrupting his colleagues’ ongoing conversation, Paul addressed a shared photo with a fan.

Paul explained the fan would love to take a picture together but doesn’t have much time left. That’s why those involved decided to take the photo live on stage – that’s what the fan’s partner told them to do.

Shortly thereafter, Olli, Paul, Tolkin and the fan stood on stage and took a souvenir photo – with their backs to the audience. And while the streamers distracted the unsuspecting man with the joint photo, his partner snuck into the background.

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What happened next? When the photo was taken, Paul addressed the man and said: “Now it’s even more exciting: turn around” – and the man turned around.

Of course, the streamers avoided the young woman being in the photo beforehand. She crept secretly behind the quartet and waited on her knees, with a small box in her hand, for her companion to turn back to her and the audience.

When the time came and the young woman proposed to her loved one, he said “yes”. The audience applauded, Olli had goosebumps and Tolkin also emphasized how cute he thought that was.

Of course, since the romantic gesture was featured in the Tolkin and DoktorFroid streams, there’s a clip of the scene that we’re embedding for you here:

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Not the first romantic gesture: Gaming can connect people, that’s no secret. One player used Fallout 76 to propose marriage, another player asked the crucial question in Destiny.

As gamescom showed, more and more gaming events are becoming the stage for touching moments that can change lives. In 2019, a fan used Smite Worlds to propose and in May, a couple got engaged on stage at Dota Worlds.

We see that the newly engaged couple is not an isolated case, there are always romantic gestures and touching moments at major gaming events.

If you want to read even more romantic stories, MeinMMO author Kevin Nielsen tells you how he not only found his professional but also his private happiness through gaming:

Thanks to my love for MMOs, I’ve found the love of my life
