Woman left LSS accommodation in Motala – hit and died

Woman left LSS accommodation in Motala hit and died
Has been reported to Ivo

Published: Less than 2 hours ago

full screen Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

On Monday, a 55-year-old woman left an LSS residence in Motala.

Shortly afterwards she was hit and died.

– It is an extremely tragic accident. It is impossible to describe how terrible it is for the staff and for her relatives, says operations manager Johanna Andersson.

On Monday morning, the police were alerted that a 55-year-old woman had been hit in Motala.

The woman later died in hospital. Relatives are informed of the death.

Earlier in the morning, the woman had left her LSS accommodation in Motala.

– It is a woman who is entitled to LSS due to a dementia disease. She was placed in the accommodation twelve days before the death, says operations manager Johanna Andersson.

Staff began searching

According to her, the staff should not have noticed anything different about the woman during the morning. There must also have been fewer residents on site that morning, as one person was on leave.

– In the order we had received, a fairly low level had been set for her care needs, level 4. According to routine, staff visited her on Monday morning and she was then in her apartment. They also didn’t perceive that anything was out of the ordinary at the time, says Johanna Andersson.

But later in the morning the woman did not appear in the common areas.

– They started looking for her when she didn’t show up. The natural thing is to check the accommodation then, but she was neither there nor in the common areas. The staff was looking for her when the police got there and told them that she had been hit, says Johanna Andersson.

The incident has been reported to Ivo

The traffic accident is now being investigated by the police. The incident has also been reported to Ivo, who will investigate it further.

– It is not intended that they should leave the accommodation, they should not be able to come and go as they please, but we are also not allowed to lock any people up. To get out, you have to go through two locked doors, and she has done that. She has not been able to do that the other days she lived there, then the staff had to help her, says Johanna Andersson.

What could you have done differently to prevent this from happening?

– If she had shown tendencies to be motorically restless or wandered off on the other days, we would have discussed impulse alarms. For example, you can lay out door mats outside the home that announce an alarm, says Johanna Andersson.

– It is an extremely tragic accident. It is impossible to describe how terrible it is for the staff and for her relatives, she continues.
