Woman is charged with the murder of Lisbeth – was attacked outdoors

One Friday in early December, 78-year-old Lisbeth Liljegren was out for a walk with her walker in Valsätra. Suddenly she was jumped on and subjected to severe violence.

Lisbeth was rushed to hospital – but it was too late.

– I couldn’t cry, I didn’t understand anything. It becomes so unimaginable and it feels like a bucket of ice-cold water is thrown over you, daughter Anita Blomqvist told SVT about the death notice she received that afternoon.

Attacked others

Shortly after the attack, the police arrested a woman in her 30s on suspicion of murder.

In connection with the fatal assault, she allegedly attacked other people in the area and previously had a history of compulsory psychiatric treatment.

Now she is accused of murder, assault of five people and serious violence against an official by throwing hot water on a psychiatric nurse and hitting her.

SVT is looking for the woman’s lawyer.
