Woman in Ekerö alerted the home service – had to fend for herself

The woman fell, alerted the home service and received the answer: “You can handle yourself”.
The next day she was found in her own feces with an inflamed heart.
The incident has now been reported to Ivo, reports Siren news agency.

The incident occurred on Ekerö at the end of January. According to Lex Sarah’s report, the home service also told her that “you can call an ambulance yourself”, when the woman called for help.

The woman’s sister, who was the one who found her on the toilet floor the following morning, has subsequently stated that the woman was so absorbed that she did not understand the conversation with the staff.

The woman was taken to hospital where both myocarditis and pericarditis were diagnosed.


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Happened again – a week later

Just a week later, she had new sensations in her chest and called her sister, who urged her to press her security alarm again. This time, the sister stayed on the phone and listened to the conversation with the home service.

The same employee who answered a week earlier then repeated the same thing as on the previous occasion: “You can call yourself”.

The sister joined the conversation and insisted that the home service should come, as the woman herself could not get to the front door. According to the report to Ivo, the staff first claimed that it would take too long to get the key to open, but that the home service did eventually come to the home, about 25 minutes later.

“Hardly dare to raise the alarm”

The events have had severe consequences for the affected woman:

“Due to staff not carrying out the intervention and helping at the first opportunity, it meant that the woman did not get help to the hospital that evening, but the care was delayed, which caused physical and psychological suffering for her,” reads the report.

“Due to the above events, she has so far hardly dared to raise the alarm for fear of being met with the same lack of treatment because she does not feel safe and unsure if staff turn up”.


This is how Karin, 88, wants to attract young people to home care.
